Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

2.50 ti A P.3. An Expafittim von fecoXld V E 1t.6. feparate from brethren, feemes har(h. See j Cor.s. To that, the fafcelc exhortation inclines ; to this, except vehernency, nothing perfwades a friendly cenfure. As to the difference ofcenfures, in refpe5t of the delin- quents. Thus thinke reafons might be : a Out Sarriours order in leuiorihus delic`lis, is e fir./'/ admoni,7); till coutu. macie be euident, proceed not to extremitie. 2 And per- haps tofore they were prefumed to linne, but of lupine rug/et-1; after admonition, rather of refry5lary contempt. But in Inch order its feemely for c :clefiaflique cenfures to proceed. Incongruous it fr eases to Bernard, vt ante Iudea faciat, quam minceur; nedum admoneat: Specially in faults of lighter nature. Yet contumacie iuÍ}ly exalperates and prouokes to wholefome feueritie : Ir argues not violation onely, but contempt of au! horitie, and comely order. Wee command you in the name of our LordIefiu Chrifl ; that is, dy d authoriue of the Lord Chrifl, committed to vs by him; as if Chriil himfelfe com vanded by vs. Clearely we haue hence. thot to Apoftles, and ether pri- mitiue (.7vfiniflers of the Church, was committed power of iurifdiElion ouer the Church and people of God. The power of the Neves is committed e to Teter, and his fellow A- pofiles; authoritie to bind and loofe,to remit and punifh, not onely in the inner court, crthe forum confcientia; but in faro externo, by a iudiciall kincle of proceeding. Hence obedience prefcribed to people towards Milliners. Hebr. 13. r 7, &c. Remaines it Rill in the Church? Refj,. Who doubts ? When t commillion is, for fubnance, the fame to fuc- ceeding Mini(lers. 2 And vfefulncfie and necefíitic, the fame to all ages. Trow you, where the ciuill Magifirate is Chrii ian? Refp. 6lauietim ?as vnder Confiantine,7heodofius,&c. See Zanchius in Ifaium, as he is extant in Mircellanpart. z. Church power, they thus difiinguifh : i tiere is po- teflas Min /erál; their authority F to teach publiquely and adminifler Sacraments. î Patellas ordinis; g to ordaine Miniflers, and make Lawes for external! gouernement. 3 Potehlas