C H A P.3. Epiffle to the T'heffalonians. V ala 3 Poteliai xpirtxa, or cenfur.e, to h adminifter cenfures lefl'e or greater, acccording to the qualitie of offences. Thefe flirting queftions was haply calmed, whither the people, either plebs, or optinoates, haue to intermedie in the povver of cenfure, or order, &c. I willingly forbeare. i his onely ,fo farre as my little vnderflanding in Scripture was euer able to guide mee, I could neuer finde any whit more committed to people in them, then in that other, of minillring Word and Sacraments. Nor finde I vie of it in the.Primitiue Church, faue onely by way of Indul- gence. Oh the infolencies, and indignities, poore Pallors fuf. fer from the diJ minorum gentit m; more by much, then from the now fupteme Maieflie on earth, or ancient Ern.. perors. The envy, fuperiours inuefled in power of inrif dic5ion, are fubieet vnto, from men but of meane ranke a- mongfl the people; how gladly would they derive all power front them , to themfelues ? and vtterly banifh, what they would feeme to aduance, Church cenfures out of the Church ? Yet beams it amongft many of them, a part of the Golpel, the Kingdome of Chrifi, &c. Its fo belike, when its managed by the people; not when tninifired by clearkes; to whom yet alone our Sa- uionr committed power of the keyes. Thefe few conclu- fions meditate : t Iuritdi ion Ecclefiafticall is by our Sa- viour conferred vpon i his Minifters; the managing there- of, made fetterall to them. Ergo. 2 Contempt of ir, when its regularly vied, is no other then contempt ofCh:rift. 3 k Ratification it bath in the Court of Heauen, and woe to him that defpifeth. Withdraw your flies from every brother, &c. The duetie inioyned, feparativa, or fequefiring themfelues from focierie. 2 01 whom if you aske ? Of eatery brother walking diforderly. 3 Where is fubioyned definition, or explication of inordinate walking; not walking after the tradition, or ordinance by Apo lle, and h15 affociates flabli- fhed in that Church. De primp Mat:tc;t9.. r Cor. g. a Thef. 3. k,Nlat.ió.lé. .7 +# -e,;