Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

252 I C H A P.3. ein Expofision vpon the fecond V E a.6. I Iüi 52.z T. De primo: What this feparation, or withdrawing in.. ioyned, is, is in a fort among[ interpreters queaioncd. Among( our Donations and AnabaptiOs, as other things, bayard like, refolued to be from focietie in forms. Interpreters thus; would Paul bee vnderfood of ex- communion ? Refp. Probably not, whither by Excommunication we meane, exclufion a facris, or giuing vp to Satan. a The phrafe forts not thereto; withdraw your [clues; in Ex- communication its thus, put away from among you that wicked perfon, I Corinth. y. 13. z And what then is that ca/tsr a,ge verfe a 4. which hee prefcribes to their difobe- dience, after new monition by this EpiUle ? Rather a pri- unto confortio, which, though in large fenfe it may be Riled Excommunication , for that focietie with Gods children in private life, is part of the communion of Saints ; yet, in propertie of fpeach, is not fo. See Caietane, Chrifoftorne, and Theophylall ad locum. Meanes bee as donations thought, corporali feparation from all focietie with men aptly, euill fuppofing them to- lerated in the Church of God ? So our Brownia brethren, as they would be Riled, ofthe feparation. Refp. Sweetly, and to purpofe Saint Cypriande lapfa. etfi videntur in &clefza of e zizania, non tarnen impediri debet aut fides ant charitas noftra, vt quoniam zizania eq"e in Çcclefia femper cernimus , ipfi de E'cclefia recedamus. W obis tantummodo laborandum eft , vt frurnentum of e po mils, vt cum caperit frumentum dominicis horreis con - di,, f uîium pro opere nofttro & labore capiamus. See Saint eAuguftine efpecially again[[ `Parmenian, lib. 3. cap. ] 8. & 3. cap. 3. Item contra crefconiurn.1:b. 3. cap. ço. 8r. Item again('Rarmenian. lib. 2. cap. a. efpecially de verbis Dominifermon. t 8. Thus briefely conceiue. a Societie in euill thou maya not hold, no, not with bell men; Ephef. S. 7, 11. rather reproue them. This to Saint Augu Rine is, t comming out from among( them, touching no vncleane thing. See him de verb. Dom. [er. 18. in fine. 2 Societie