Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

C H A P.3. Epifileto theTheffalonians. V li a.6. z Socierie in goodne(l , fpecially in Sauri in the fer- uice of God hold with the worn men; thou gall Chrifts warrant, C 'Lu.23. 1,2. His, and his Saints example; fre- quenting Sacrifices and other feruices of the Temple, when teachers and people, were mofily ouergrowne with Libertineifine, and iupertlition. i With what comfort flight I Gods precept,Heb.1 o.z 5. 1 The%5.20,for the pre- tence of wicked? 2 Why rob I my foule of the comfort of his ordinances, for that profane men vfurpe their vie? 3 Is this to defile my felfe,to be partner with the adulterer in his adulteries,to de the dutie which rod hathinioyned me? 3 Ciuill commerce thou maya haue with them wìrh- out. See i Cor. 5. to. As eflbraham with the children of Heth. Gen.23. 4 Necefiary offices of humanitie, withhold not from a brother, ni or {}ranger; feed their hunger, death their nakedneffe; they ceafe not to bee men, or neighbours, by being euill men. 5 Yet if any, that i called an brother; be feandaloufly, and conrumacioufly exorbitant, with fuck hold no famili- aritie, to fuch (how not a friendly countenance : fromtheir friendly familiaritie, withdratv.thy felfe; this the Apoflle he enioynes thee. Yea, though perhaps Church difcipline fleepe towards them. See precept 1 Cor.5.r t. 2 There reafons are of it r Thou partaken in guilt of his offence, fo farreas thou butfhowefl approbation. 2. lob/ ao, z Hazardefl thy felfe too infeó3don. 3 To P wrath. q The delinquent to obninate irnpenitencie. 5 Blemifh- ell thy owne fame. 6 quantum in te, encouragefl others to like exorbitancy. 7 See Saints regularly fcrupulous,and abnenious in this kinde. Pfal. 26.4. hr. 1 5.17. Outcries are frequent, and bitter amongn vs, perhaps not altogether vniufl, againfi negleas of Parlors, and Church gouernours, tolerating impunely in our congre nations men of notorious lewdneffe. b Confeífedly there is fault amongn vs, but it would bee confidered ; r Whither in gouernours, to whom cenfures belong, or not rather in them, whofc duetie is to informe. 2 Whither 253 '° Gal.6.10. tCor.5.t1. ° i Cor.5,6. P Apoc,t8.,4. Vfe.