254 4 I Cor.I0.27. I COr. 5.I d. * z Tim, z. Tim. 3. r t Cor. g. CRoma= 24. . z Cor 5.1z. VP. C H A P.3. An Expafition upon thefecond V E R.6. 2 Whither in the conflitutìon of the Church, or nrecrely in the execution. Why are perfonall faults made faults of the Church ? And may wee not obfer.ue like confluence, partialitie, and corruption in ciuill Maieflrates -? But in this, which toucheth neerefl clamorous plain- dues, how may the people bee excufed ? Who to their in- wardefi familiaritie, little leflè then amitie, promifcuoufly admit the vile as the pretioui,the profane as the holy. Lacke we Church cenfures to inhibit vs their familiaritie? Here- in wee are noflri iuris; none forceth vs to their private fo- cietie; whereby z we harden them in their lewdneiîe; and doubtlef e, 2 bring on our felues partneríhip in their guilt, by this degree of approbation. 3 Take heede leaf} not alfo fomô infeclion,and taint of their vices. Hereof fee more ad ver. 14. a Perfons liable to this punifhment,are thus circumfcri- bed : z Brethren. 2 Walking inordinately. From euery brother ; hee rneanes euery man profeflìng, Chriflian and member of the Church; from emery fuch man, of what ranke, or qualitie focuer, withdraw, ghee walke diforderly. From fuck rather then from Pagans r Saint `l'aul per- mits to goe with an q vnbelieuer,inuiting to a banquet ; at no hand allowes r to Bate with a fcandalous brother. z The kindnefl'ethat * melts an ignorant alien, and al- lures him to goodneflè, makes more i' obflinare a feeing brother. a Scandalous infirmities ofbrethren, bring ble_ mifh, and t blafphemy vpon the Gofpel, more then en ormities of Pagans, or profefl'ed idolaters. 3 Chiefely `Taub reafon fwayes. Church cenfures firetch not in any degree to them that are without; "doe we not iudge them that are within ? Peruerfe, quite croffing to the Apoflles direelion,is the wifdome of molt mens charitiegrowne. Couering,cloak- ing, colouring, halfe iuffifying,T am fure,too fondly excu- fing,the fcandalous delinquencies of brethren.When faul- rings of others, perhaps,but of ignorance, are aggrauated by all circumfiances, our Oratorie can imagine to enlarge them