C n A P.3. Ep file to the The alonians, them withal Yet the God we ferue,ismoll terrible * in the affembly of his Saints; fo carries himfelfe in s gouerne- ment, as to procure himfelfe mofi aw, and dread from thofe that x come neerefl vnto him; beares with more pati- ence,the outrages of vef els ofwrath,then the infirme faul- rings of velièls of mercy. Not becaufe bee leffe loues his oWoe; but becaufe he more deerely afec`is them, and bath more tender care of their foutes.Ly Pauls rule we fhould herein rcfemble. Na1kir diforderly : If any would know what that is, he thus explicates; diforderly,notaccordingto the traditi- on, or morali Canon which he receiued of vs. Specification of the matter is made ver. s o. So hainous in Pauls a leeme is violation of holefome Church ordinances, as that contumacy therein defereees cen- fure lade le ffe then Excommunication. Will he not be or- dred by the Church ? Y Let him bee to thee, as a Heathen, or Publican. Who Z fo deifethyou, whither teaching, or commanding according to God, defpifethme. Coddled it is,where the Church commands,what Chriti in fo many termes commands. But Saint Paul firetcheth farther; and calles them commandements of the Lord, which are by iufi confcquence deriued from principles of Scripture. See him t Cor.t4.37. As force Interpreters open the canon of manual labour here prcfcribed, to haue dcduEiion. ex Gen. 3.59. Where yet perhaps,the Lord Both not fo much prefcribe, as punifh. Thef cautions are vinall in attending fuch prefcripts: t If not impious. Hof. 5. t;. C/`Watth. a 5.5. a Haue not annexed opinion, or intention of worfnip. Col. 2.2 2, 2 3. 3 Bee of things necefiàrie, and vfefull at leafi for the time e.ArRes rç.28,29.Such binde contemptuous carriage towards filch Church ordinances, is no final violation of confcience. Chrifiian Iibertie is a prey ous gift of God. Saitar Paul commands a to Rand fag therein; yet withal! aduifeth wee turn it not into licenfe , abufinff it as occafion to the fleh. Saint Peter confeffeth wee are free, and would haue Y Mat,18,17. x Mat. 10.