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f Rom.13.1,&q. I Pet.z.i 3, &e. g Iude vér.8. z Pet.z.>o. C' H A P. An E.epofttion vpon thefeeond V E R.6. haue vs fo beare our felues; yet mindes vs, not to vfe our libertie as Hoare of naughtine ffe. Wee are ßi11 feruants of God, and owe him obedience according to euery his mo- rall commands; wherefore his aduife is, e tofubmit to eue- ry humane ordinance, for the Lords fake; certainely, its true, very precepts of men, our fuperiours in things law- ful!, binde confcience, though not virtute propria, yet a- lieno, id efl Pei. I fpare to particularize; perfwade rather fubmif lion to ciuill, and Ecelehaftique ordinances; J meane,where Ma- ießrate and Church are known Orthodoxe. t Why thinke we they meane Popiíhly,who protege and teach to detefi Poperie, and acknowledge it the myßerie of iniqui- tie ? 2 How doe wee Oily call all Idolatrous, that is in vfe among(} Idolaters ? When Paul warrants to d eate Idolothites, fo bee, nor wee eate them as Idolothites, nor e know any weake, thorough fcrupulous furmife, of- fended. I befeech you confider : t How peremptorie, and fre- quent the charge is, f to fubwit. z How ill it heares, no lefl'e g then heretical!, to defpife dominion. 3 How vaine ianglings about indifferents , hath opened . mouthes of enemies to traduce our Gofpel. q. Hazarded to bile of better Ordinances. V E R S. 7,8. For your felues know hew ye ought to follow vs; for we be- haued, not our feltees diforder y. 2 eeather did wee Bate any mans bread for nought; but wrought with labour, and traasell night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any ofyou. 3, H E enforcement of the duetie ; from qualiitie, or degree of the offence, in the diforderly, from two circumfiances aggrauating their finne. t Knowledge of the conflitution and equitie thereof. a Example of tbè prefcriber;