C H A P.3. Epifîle to the The/falonians. V E prefcriber ; where is fubioyned explication of mauls exem- plary pradife. r You know; 2 how ye ought to follow vs. You, not on- ly innocent, but delinquents know, and are conuinced of the duetie, &c. So doeth 'Paul amplifie their fin; circum- flances they are, both which adde much to the degree of the tranfgref on. i Knowledge. See lamer 4. vlt. Iohn 9.41. & 15.22,24. Luke 12.47. ROM. T.21,32. 2 Wilfully,and halfe prefumptuoufly, fuch are interperted to finne. h Knowledge pufeth. No reafon it íhould ; encreafing our obligation to duetie,adding to the degree of euery fin- full aia, or omiffion. Take heed we be not i idle or vnfruitfull, in the know- ledge of duetie. i We (hall finne k excufeleffe. 2 1 Dam- ned of our felues. 3 Haue punifhment mgreater. 4 More, not onely wafconfcicnce, and for the prefent flupifie it : but make it raging when once feare, or wrath (hall a- wake it. To follow vs. As knowledge of duetie, fo examples therein aggravate our negleil. 2Ksahs faith and obedience in building the Arke, n condemned the faithlefí'e and im- penitent World, See ( ï/latth. t 2.41,42. What colour or pretenfe haue fuch for difobedience ? To Whom God hath giuen eves to fee; guides to goe before them, in difficultefl parts of duetie. Remarkeable in all things is the wifedome of divine prouidence, view it in this particular. Scattering abroad his Saints, in fuel) fort, that in the moll extrauagant con- gregations of people, otter whom his name is called, there want not more, or fewer of his Saints, shining as lights in the way of life. That either by light oftheir ° example, they may bee guided to picric ; elle haue their n condemnation more iúfl and heavy. 7Jæ mundo a fcatndalis, vn, v e, va, ab exemplis bon.. t Faclibile oflenditur rod fuadetur: That impofíìb;litie, or difficultie may not bee pretenfed. 2 And way - guides we haue had tracing out veto vs, and beating the path that leades to life, men of our owne mould ; whof foot -prints haue lit imprefflons of matter, S manner, 257 7Jfe. n r Cor,8.1. : Pet.t.8, k Ioh.t i ", Luker: 47. ° Hebax.7. ° Qhìl.z IF. i6. PHeb It. 7>fe. Be, card. , r+. 4013W;?iTAA'