2 58 CHAP. 3. An Expolition upon thefecond VA R.8. manner, meanes of atchiuing duties prefcribed. For we behaued not our felues diforder y. The explica- tion of the example. t Generali. a With application to the particular dutie inioyned in the Canon . 3 Where al- fo are fpecified ends of 'Paoli fubmitting himfelfe to the Ordinance. `De prima : We behaued not, 6c. So if not necefl'ary,yet auaileable it is, the prefcriber to exemplifie his prefcriptsin his owne praRife. Giue me a Law- giuer, a teacher exem- EtOd.20 II. plary : Such an one exhibits himfelfe, the q great Law - tIob 13 Is, Otter. Such r Chriff, his f Prophets and Apofiles. Pre- f Iac.4.1o. script is the fame to t Minifl:ers, all u Chriflians; efpecial- t Tim.4.a2. ly Superiours. I Pharifaicall it heares, to * lay burthcns vPhi ip.z.Ir,16 heauy on others fhoulders, and not to [novae our owne * Mat, z3.4. fingers to helpe forward the carriage. aAnd how feemes it all but fabula, that we teach de inferno decalo,when our felues are feene faulting in thofe duties , which we prefTe vpon others,vnder paine of damnation, or with promife of Vfe. eternal( reward ? Its gladfome to fee the people taught by penaltie, that :Ier.a3.1O. its criminous to take Gods .Name in vaine ; the Land x mourns becaufe of oathes; to bee lamented, that the Law- makers, are knowne many, fo ouer familiar with the r Rom.z.3. Name of God, as to contemne it. Suppofe ye, they of all men, Jhall r efcape the iudgement of God ? Who likes not 2.T1m.42. the vrging of 7) aids canon, on vs countrie drones, to z preach the word with infiance ? How doe we blefiè thofe our fathers of the Church,who excite vs by their example? 1 Cor.9.16. But is not the difpenfation committed to all? How ¡hall b Ezccb.34, they efcape the a woe belonging to non preaching , who punifh others negleoîs,and yet feed themfelues onely,b and a. not the f ocke ? neither did we Bate any mans bread for nought. The ap- plication of the example to the particular prefcribed,carri, ed in that forme,which Rhetoricians call xer' o i, icl Roe. Quefizion, Had it beene for nought if 'Paul had not wrought with his hands, labouring onely in the Word and dodtrine. Refp.