te,°eein".. CHA P. j. Epiftle to the?hef"alonians. V E x.8, Rcfp. t The fpirituall things we fow, are they not equivalent to your bell .carnals? your gold thatperilheth ? z And in the worke of the Mini(iery, is 1G0.714 ç XIthSXen, c labour toylefome, tirefome, d enfeebling. Phyfitians ac- cord that minde labours, more feeble fpirits animali and naturali; more wall natural( heat and moiflure, then toile of the body. Diuines can minde you, how the more fpiri- tuall faculties, had greatefl wound by originals finne; efpecially when they are bent to fpirituall things in Teri- ous meditation, oppofition they finde from malignant fpi- tits, fo flrong,and oft fo violent, that they feldomebeare vp, without fome wound in the encounter, that if either protium, or opera may be thought equivalent to our main- tenance, on free col+ we gate not any our hearers bread, but buy it, many, at deereti rate. How then faith Paul d`aptciv, if without tnanuall _la- bour ? Refp. Commonly he is apprehended to fpeake xaTg ,fo` án, according to the opinion of earthly minded people. What thorough t their vnderprizing fpirituall bleffings, through earthly mindedneffe.z And what for not confide- ring the it conueiance, linked by ordinance, to ourMinifle- ry ; which is their ignorance, or infidelitie. 3 And what thorough little experience in mental( labours, efpecially for fpirituall things, generally the voyce of the people is, our lining comes in ea61y, we fweat not for it ; and what giue, or doe we for ali they pay vs ? Wheretothe anfwere is ready from the Apoflle : r We e fow you fpirituall things; reach to you, as Gods hands,the graces of his fpirit,the t faluation of your foules. z g Watch tor your foules, as they that (hall giue accounts. 3 Spend,facrifice our felues many,vpon the fèruice of your faith, Philip.2.1. . How Toone would this errour vanifh? if men were either fo happy as to t fede h mifery of want. a To tall fvveetneffe of grace. 3 Or fo wife as to confider, that by vs, as Sc Gods co workers, they receiue whatfe- euer they are, or haue in grace ? And how without vs they S a a,e 259 r Cor.9.ri. r Tim.5.r7. d ifai 49 4 4 c r Cor.9 sr. G4's.a, Din 4.16, sHeb.t3.r7. ' Iob.33,zt. it Pet a3. k s Cur 3.5.9. ¡," . 5 -tr . 114i%2ïar