C H A P 3. AF ExpoJ"tio72 vpon the fecond VE a.8. are naked, and lye open to Gods wrath, and cternall de- flruetion. As to our labour,to fpare (peach of whatGodsfpirit mre- fembles it by,would they pleafe but to experiment a little, in what feemes eafieff in our taske; informing the minds, with diflindf notice of the my fiery of godlinefiè; or fafl- ning it, as is their N duetie, in their ignorant families, they would change their minde and fay,husbandry were a play - game, a recreation to the toyle of a faithful! Mini(ler. To conclude ; where, tell me, haue you fcene a painefull Pa- flour, not too maturely made old ? Though by naturali temper, choifeff temperance, and manner of education framed to greatefl vigour, fitted to extend life to the vt- moll terme of nature. Our Sauiour in his prime and flower of age, little paff thirtie, is deemed by !ewes a man towards ° fftie; fuch fhowes of ouer age, had care and paines to win foules, as fon.e opine, call vpon him. But what lets to conceiue the Apoflle fpeaking ánñOéiav, and as the thing was ? That his meaning may be; hee bought at deere(l rate, in the eye of flehh it felfe, wherewith to fuflaine himfelfe; if opera, hardy labour of the hardeff may bee thought equivalent to price; or to things which for price paffe in exchange from man to man. For fo himfelfe addes the explication Ovraeï s; but wrought with labour and trauell night and day. Like.was his pra6tife in tome other Churches, though on other occafions and to other ends. See Aî7.20.3 ; ,;4. z Cor.u. t 2. Bindes the example vs ? Or doe they well who preßè it vpon Monkr(h predicants, from Páuls example ? e.4nf. Apifh imitation of Saints hath filled the world with fuperflition, with errours, force no lefíe then hereti- cal!. With what caution wee fhould heed examples c-f Saints, hath beene treated in the former Epiffle, whither I remit the reader. Difparities b%twixt gaol and vs, you may obferue thrfe. it His extraordinary inflinas and in- fpirations, added to his ouer tneafure of gifts acquired by induflry, aduantaged, aduanced him to facilitie of per- forming