Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

C Id A P.3 . Eoïfile to the T bep lonianr. V á a.8. 261 forming his Apofloltque funaion in teaching , (who doubts? but) oft without fludy,and premeditation,fo that other his neceffary, or occaíonall imploiments brought not, by diílra tions,impediment to his preaching, or other miniiieriall offices. Of vs, fo our enabling to the worke, is required atten- dance to privare P reading and meditation; dwelling vp- P ITim,4a6. on, and being in thefe things, a day, or boure otherwife fpent, may giue vs iufl occafion to fay as he, sAmici perdi- dimus diem: and with that day, part of our full furnifhing to the vvorke of theMinitiery. Except we be imployed in force thing conitin61 with, and fubordinate to the mine; or when perhaps neceffitie, and infirmitie of body, or minde,forceth to remit and loofen the ouer bent fpirics. x Nor is it with our Churches, as was with this of Thefiàlonica ; that we fhould feare at this day ouercharg- ing our people. Scantingly, it fhould feeme, the Lord had ditiributed to thefe poore Artifans (as learned deetne them) the good things of this life; which fmall portion allo lay open, and was liable daily to be preyed vpon by violent rapine of perfecutours. Whereas God bath plea - fed to feat vs in another Canaan, a land flowing with n-dike and bony; where we fit,rnotily all, vnder our owne vine and figtree; eating the fat, and drinking the fweet; fated, fhalt I fay? Surfetted rather with the plentie of all Gods gracious bleffings. That wee, of all Churches, may feeme vnworthiefl of the Corne, if wee ihell offer to put the q muzzle on the oxe his mouth, which treads it out. e I Tim4.18. Howbeit, where exaóingof duemaintenance,is indeed a burchen to the Church, let art, or induftry, or owne pof- fefiions, or other imploirents fupplie our necefíi ties ; in- cline to part with right, rather then to bee ouerpreflìng in exa6ting it : compaflion teacheth it; and fo farre vrgeth the example of the Apoflle. S 3 VERS. w . e s), *.; 'ï _. s-.:'.