Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

2 62 C H A P.3. An Expofiti0n vpon tbeftcond V s a,9, r Sec t Cor.9,5. t 5. Collat. VERS. 9. Notfor that we haue not power, but that we might make our ¡dues an example, vnto you to follow vs. TH E fecond end of 'Paull prouiding for himfelfe by manuall labour, that hee might make hinufelfe a pa- terne to This people ; and by his ovine performance of what he prefcribed, win the people to obedience, To ex- plicating whereof, the paflage is by orpaiaots Obiell. Perhaps reafon of fuch forbearance to exa& maintenance, &e. was want of right to demand, Sol. Not fo, power we haue, and lawfull authoritie to aske and receiue it. That therefore is not reafon of not vrging to yeeld it; but that wee might make our felues an example. .Not that we hauenot power : éa5x?ixv : iuft, right title ; lawfull authority. Oa. To be burthenfome, thinke you? Ref. He meanes to take maintenance from his Auditors ; which t either for that it emes burthenfome to earthly mindes; or a for that,in extreme pouerty of the Church, its really fo, he ailes preaùre or burthen. `weft. But when its fo really burthenfome, bath hee poweror right to claime it ? Reffi. Right dies not, or de- caies by dif2bility of the debtour, the r vie of right cea- feth for the time according to the rules of Ærtetiti: and mercy : fee Ifai 58. But that LAlinifiers haue power and authoritie to clime maintenancefrom their people, we haue clearely from this Text. ,weft. On what Law founded ? Ref. Of Na- ture, Nations, viTofes, Chria : fee t Cor. y. a verf: 4. ad 15. Bale aboue meafure, and vubefeeming Chriaians, is the conceit entertained by the people,that our maintenance is from beneuolence only, and -ad placituns to be meafured out by our Auditors : As if it had no foundation in Iuaice, but meerely in Charity : Liberé dico reclamante mundo pronunciò,