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C H A P.3 . Epiile to the Theffalonian.r. V fi x.9 . pronuncio, as Hierome in another cafe fpeakes, cleare r pre - 'fcript affords no Iuflice for any title, then for Minif+ers to their maintenance ; that is,to their Tithes. The more vniufl are they who detaine it ; and f who fo doth the tvrong, (hall hare the wrong that he Both. But that wee might mak! our felues an example, &e. rúorw, as t 7im.4. 12. when applied to denote what tends toexemplary,it fignißes the liueliefi expretfiion and, as I may tearme it, of igiation of that vertue or vertuous pra- ecifewhich we delire toexemplifie. To the Nature of fuck an example in vertue or vertuous pradfife concurre three things : t eminence in the vertue 2 precedency : 3 liucliefi expreiTion of what we de lire to commend to other mens imitation: honour whereof `Pearl was,euery ¡í'í: lift. r and c ther prefciber fhould be a lit - tleambitious. See r Tirn.4.12. 1 Pet.53 i Its a hallowing of the name ofGod;a meanes to pro- cure him glory, Mat. 5.16. 2 Forcible aboue prefcript, to win aliens; by this, without the word, they are won pre - paratiué, [ Pet.3.1,2. 3 Allures, nothing more, men of gracious inclination to refemble, to equall, to outgoe pre- cedents in goodnefí'e, 2 Cor.9.2. Grace being euer accom- panied with holy emulation, and ftrining to equall, excel' others. 4 Not onely our perfonall goodnefl'e is taken no- tice of to be rewarded; but whatfoeuer good thing o- thers bane bin occafioned to doe, by our example or o- ther excitement, that alto is let on our fcore : See Dan t z.3. Lord, that Pauls fpirit were hi vs ; that ulíofes prayer might preuaile with God, that his not vrim onely, but '7-bp/minim might be vpon his holy ones ; that Lawgiuers might become as he, in their pranífe lining or walking Lawes. But how haue we molly all giuen occafon, to haue eAlercuries ftatue our fitteti Embleme? Read with bell át tention, Roma. 21, 2 2. &c. ad To you tofollow, or imitate vs. Pauli amine intention in typing or linying out in his own praaife, what he prefcri S 4 bed igrIF g A ,ZuWIrr- 263 rCol,4s4,