264 C H A P.3. An Expofîtion upon the fecond V E R.9. bed to others. Coward let be his ílile who feconds not his Captaine in the dangeroufefl aduenture : vnworthy the naine ofa ChriCtian, whofoeuer followes not fuch way_ guides in vertuous pradlife. Its the duetie and honour peo. pie owe to their Parlors, to wake in the ßcps of their ver- tuous conuerfation : fee Cor. t I. t. Phil.3. a 7. He6. t 3.7. Iac. s. i o. Imitation implies three things: ì Fal7utr., femblable or rather, reali aeling of what we pretend to imitate. Not to commemorate, orencomiaflically to declai.ne of Abra- hams faith or obedience,but to u walkZe in his ffeps,is to imi- tate Abraham: fee lah.t 3. t s.Laudamee veteres,efi noftris vtimtrr llnnis. 2 Studiumor propofitum imitande Cafually or by na- turall propenf on may a man fall on Saints pra66ife; as chil- dren fometimcs on fathers geflures or gange of body :Sic ille oculos, fic ora fereíat : yet fay we not fuch imitate, though they refemble;becaufe their aime is not to exprefí'e their Aölions. 3 Conformitas ad exemplar :which is the life of imita- tion : and wherein efpecially is required prudence in the follower, leafl he turne Ape in imitation. Giddie was that Ideat, becaufe id'chrrs, when Ile pretended Clideon for pat- terne in demolifhing Images : for had he like calling,or in- flin61? like eye mull be had to other circumfiances of time, place,manner, motiue, occafiori, end, in thofe 36-lions of Saints which we pretend to. imitate : the 'call fwaruing from our patterne difables our imitation. More what con - cernes this duetie of imitation , and difcretion therein, Read at leifure in thofe notes on the former Epifile,adcap. z. ver.6,7. VERS.