Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

rrrc. x . VERS. IO. For eues when wee were with you, this wee commaunded you, that if any man would not work:, neither fhould bee eat e, Hither any, or what the reference is, wftich this verfe hath to the former Scripture, is a Iittle dif- ficult to difcerne. Erre 1? Or is it alledged to prooue their knowledge of duetie charged on them? verf.7. q. el. You cannot be ignorant of the duetie; for you may remember, what charge we gane you in prefence: In the text it felfe a part conlidered, wee haue 4'atsli fandiion or ordinance for manuall labour, enforced by penaltie, prouided for willing, or wilfull loiterers. I The main: intention is to urge tó labour. a The penaltie of negleó; Idlers mull not eat. To which adde as appertinences ; t The generalitie of the iniunCtion col. leEfed from extent of the penaltie fiquis. z Defcription of delinquents whom the penaltie toucheth, not thole who cannot, but fuch as will not work:. Labour here inioyned you muff vnderfiand manuall; by interpretation of the Ap ogle hitnfelfe. w Thef, q.. II. ephef.4.28. a.Is the ordinance vniuerfallÿ binding,for all perfons, times, places, Cares of the Church ? Refp. r. For labour and indufirious imployment in fore henefì vocation, it bindes all may affoord hiuing for drones: to Church manuall labour, is another rare. Confent goes thus farre. I. Manuall labour is among11 thofe ACs or offices,which are precepted not propterfe,as fimplie good and neceffary, in like fort as wotfhip of God and honouring parents. z. Rather propter alind ; and therefore bindes not all men in all times and flues ; but onely in cafe ; fuppofe when the ends of fuch labour can - not be otherwife atchieued. 3.Thofe