Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

s 6 6 ' C H A P.3. An Expofition vpen che/'econd V E R.10. Mat.a,o.6. = Rom.t a.y. Y Aá.6. a , stîl'm.q.t7. ° Esecu.3 4, i. 3. Thofe ends fuppofe to be, i Supplying our owne wants, and neceiluies cf fuch as depend on our Care, t The/4..1 r. a Tim. s.S. 2 Eating the Church or Com- mon- Wealth of vnnecefi'ary charge, t Tirn.5.16. 3 To preferue body in health and vigour. 4. And, which is fpirituall, to avoid the legions of fiinnes that wai a on lazie idlenes. But where, without labour of the hancs,thefe ends,with the like, may all be attained,the iniund}ion bindesnor. Ratio ; who fo hues out of the Rea- fon of the Law,liues out of the Broke and cenfure of the Law. Thus therefore conceiue,the ordinance for that kinde of labour, perfonall or particular to that Church in Elate now of difirefíe; binding vs no farther,then ends oflabour fore - mentioned,and like flare may enforce it. How then concernes it vs of thefe tunes ? Refp. 1. Ma- ny,many are amongfi vs,whofe liuely -hood and neceffàrie maintenance depends on manuali labour : whole calling and abilities binde them to fuch imployment: who but by it, cannot further the weale publique: doubts any man, whither the iniunaion bindes them ? The Reafon of the Law toucheth them,therefore the Law it (elfe. 2. But to the genera-11 oflabour, and indufirious im- ploying our felues in fome honeti calling,whereby we may further common good, equity of this in unóion,and other pafrages of Scripture binded al of all forts,times,& efiares: quid ffatis h c otiofi ? * Idlers, the Lord of the Vineyard beares not. And to all ofany office is the charge ginen,X to write on that office : to a Minitier is not inioyned manuali labour, prohibited rather, as both an indecorum for the perfon he futiaines, and a meaner of Y dif raîlion,and hinde- rance to his labouring in : the word and dot trine; yet a woe to the idle ßepheard, as heavy as to any that are at cafe in Sion. Like thinke of S uperiour Magifirates, &c. Withall let this be confidered: preparation to a Calling, is ávæaoyóv 71 to a calling : as when a man hues, as young Prophets of I uric, in SchooIes of Prophets, though yet not exercifing prophecie, he is prefumed to liue in Ranke; nei- ther