C H A P.3. Epifide to the Theffalanians. ° a E.IO. ther without calling, nor Hlie in his Elation : but what fol- lowes not vnder one of there, lies vnder Cenfure of the A- poflle,and is violation of his Canon. Yet beware yee thinke not Pauls fanetion toucheth Popifh Monkes and Fryers mendicant; that were picked wrelling the Apo(iles fentence. Indeed now I minde it, Erafmus laid of Luther, he meddled with two perillous things, when he touched. the Popes Crowne, and his Monkes bellies. But why fauours it fo flrong of heretical! prauitie, to impleade then guilty of breaking Pawls Canon ? ifSocra- tes Paid true, c.Menachus qui mantbus non laborat, firnilis eft predoni. Ob. Their labour is in prayer, watching hearing Con - feffions, contemplation, &c. B.O. While diftenti & cre pantes they crie our, h. c quanta patimur, &c. But faine I would know for my leatning,where God bath warranted to any man on earth,.abled for imploytnent in particular . fun6tions, to fpend his whole time in deuotion and Con- templation ? Where hee teacheth the performance of thefe general! offices o`.' the Chriflian calling, to exempt any fuch man from imployment in particular vocation or office tending to publique good ? Valeartt E'uchita ;. Con- templation is good, fweet above bony ; but vita Cali; Non 7erre ; except finites iffue by wricing,or other cour fes beneficiall to Communitie. See S. Auguftine de opere Monachorunz. But out vpon our vagrants ílurdie Beggers,the burthens of the earth, fcorne of heauen, flume of our Common - Wealth. I petfwade my felfe the worfl of infernali Spi-. tits haue not leffe fenfe ofpiety,haue more fenfe of b Deity, then our Canting Vagrants, drowzily, deadly in this be- halfe dormit,ffertit Reipublint difciplina. When may wee hope to awake it ? When moil are minded, thefe are a- mongfi the poore,commended to our merciful reliefe; and as chearefully deale their bread, to them in their fulüeffe, as to the paynfulleli Artifan or truefl labourer,in his hun- ger. Erafmus mentions a kinde of mercy meetefl for fuch;