Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

26$ ( GHA P.3. fin E,xpofätionvpon the fecund V E ` Esod.3 z. 6. d 'Cora f.3Z. s Ezech.16.49. f Deut. 32..6, 'Tis,in this language, miferecordia puniens. Surely the whip is more their due, then foode ; Bride well to enter - taine them, fitter then an Almes- houle. Should Inch out, by Paule Rule ? Liue, after monition, by our holefome flatute ? Nor yet dwells idleneflfe allfis6 dio; nor all lodgeth or lowzeth it belle vnder Beggars Bufh : entertainenlent it findes, alaffe how fuirpruous, in fieled houfes. Semble to your felues a while the life of young and Elder Gallants of our Gentrie; and tell me, ifyou feeme not to be ciiIofes his c Idolaters,or `I'auls d Epicures,reuiued in them : men, whofe whole life is eating,drinkcing, fnorting,fporting,or if any thing may be more Epicureal or Beflial then this : of if you can difèerne other in them, then Ezechiel mentions of Sodomites, e Pride,fulnes ofT read, abundance ofIdle - nes; would God not allo much of (heir Befliality: f doeyou thsw requite the Lord, Oh people fooli fb and vnzvtfe ? Is this the thankes you render him, the feruice you doe him, for all that rich bounty powred out vpon you ? `Potentespo- tentur tormenta patientur, But I fpare you. The penalty of wilful! negleding the labour enioyned, with the appertinencies follow. Let not inch eate : bee meaner of the common charge of the Church ; that if naught elfe, yet hunger and necef ity may driue them to labour. And yet remember, Nature may not bee deferred in ex. treame neceflity : but out of that Cafe, they nourifh Idle - nefFe,who fuccour the Idler. 7he life ofLnznispenalty, when duely executed, where- fore the great Lave -giver to his owne Ifrael,vfeth fuchen- forcernents, See Exod. a r.Qr I. Refra5laries euery flare and kingdorne affoords, whom,bur penalty,nothing refiraines; fcarce doth penalty executed reforme. 2. Yet the Treacleiis made of filch Vipers, for prefer - uing others, All 1 frael fhall heare and feare,and do no more prefumptuoufly. 3. Seruility is much in men of bell inclination : They are not all alwaies ledde by that Spirit ofIngenttity,Tfal. 51.12. Rules