C H A P.3. Epiffle to the Theffalotrians, V a A.I o. Rulès for theirenaoting : t. That they be proportioned to quality and meafure of the offence. Draco his feuerity is deemed ouer rigorous, prouiding death for leaft offences : our lenity,in Tome enormicies,is no letíe blameable: whiles Adultery laughes at the {hest, or fecures it felfe ofRedee- ming that (hame with the purfe. . a. As offences grow, though but in circumfiances fo ought penalties to be augmented : See lumbers t 5,30, 32,35 - For exception; i. That it be done g cirpea'aorom!rrvas; impartially , 2. Not following private pallions; which turnes iuftefl puni{h-nent oft into vengeance. The queftion Imeddle not with, whither fubmiffion to the penalty free Confcience from guilt of fin, in violating holefome Conflitutions : who fo affirme, had need build on better Reafons, then fuppofed equivalence offacisfa- ôtion for dammage done to community, by bearing the penalty. vlilaxima peccandi illecebra elf impunitatrifpes.There is no greater encouragement, entifement to fn then hope of impunitie. Licentious we are Browneotit of meafure,moft flue by that occation; lentitude, rather then lenity of Ma- gillrates : that now wifeft begin to thinke,as that Page Po- litician fpake by occafion of ceruaes remifne{l'e in go- uernment. Its better to liue where nothing, then in this (late where all things arc lawfull. We heave daily clamorous outcries of Separatios and others, for, I know not what, tolerations ofeuill men: yet faults not the Church in hir Conflitutions: what euill man or praenfe doe they legitimatc, or but tolerate ? Yer con - fefl'edly there is fault among(} vs, that penalties are not mote flriotly executed. How may we feare, lean the Lord lay to his hand, while his deputies are fo remit re ? See, is not wrath already gone out from the Lord ? Oh that force Phinehas would ffand forth h to execute Lodgement, before the Lords wrath breake forth to deuoure vs. There Reafons,mee thinkes, fhould excite vs. I. With fuch feare or feuerity thou naaiP faue a foule, and i refp eff it, -7,754-7-7."`"7", 269 a Deut.r.t. r` a VP. PW.to6,3a, Iudc ver.2.3. .