270 k I Cor.s.EC Cor.z.Coilat." Deut r;.ii. tiCor.f.6. m z Tim,z.i7. ° Num.25.7>8. Mat. Oft. Y I SaÍ91.z1,10, I I. 9 Neli.6. f. C H A P. 3. 4n Expofition vpon the f econd V a it. TO. it, out ofthe fire : fuch blefling God gane to that fiernnes towards k the incefluous perfon. 2. Or if the delinquents be incorrigible, yet Others feeing their punifhri:ent may feare to doe prefumptuoufly : when otherwife, thorough Ccnniuence,the example is as I leauen,as am Gangrene,en- creafing.to morevngodlinefe. 3. And why, Pith this may propitiate the diuine Maiefly,and n ceafe the Plague, mer- cileflie expofe we the body to defiruelion ? Which, with loflè of forne incurable members, may be preferued. Con- fider what I fay, and the Lord giue you vnderflanding iu all things: Confcience,in this. The perlons whom the penalty toucheth are next poin- ted at. eflny, of any ranke or quality, that will not worke. That claufe deferues our notice. mot want of ability, but lacke of will to worke, is f!ricken at in the penalty : for what when feebleneffe by age,or ficknefle ; or other impotencie by cafaalty betides vs ? Suppofe you Paul warrants to Phut vp bowels of Compaflîon to fuch ? God forbid : where then is place for vifito,poto,cibo and fuch like works of mercie,omiffion whereof 0 excludes from heauen ? Or why add we alic5ion to thofe whom God hath wounded? Yea,what if in greatefl i}rength, there want meanes ofim- ployment ? Is it not equivalent to other impotencie ? Such want not will,but meanes to be imployed :Are there- fore capable ofthe common reliefe. Wickedneffe is wittie to its owne harme,Churlifh Na- bal had his P pretended equity, denying to Dauid reliefe in hisnecefty. Curre - megients, who fcarcely knew any o- therfeutence of Scripture, yet to face their peace, the crummes that fall from their table, haue this of Paul in their mouches; worke for your liuing:S.Pa:Flfaith, he that labours not,inuff not eate.This to the feebief} amongfi the Aged and Impotent; ro the moll decrepit and crookt with yeeres : yet fàid not 'Paul, I;ee that doth not, but bee that willnot works, mvfl not gate. Not labouring, may i +iùe from impotency and want of meanes to be imployed : iifa, it intereffeth them to our Reliefe. I with fùch would confider ; I; Poore are their q ovine fiefh.