R.. -7T°' :r ^',.:r,,.A^r'-, ,°'..F..^7-717 ^r--.¡^wz C H A P.3. Epillle to the rhej lonians. E R.t 1,12 flefh.2.Lef ainongli vs to be r matter of our liberality and mercy. 3. Their t loynes may blefle vs. 4. Their thankful! deuotions make way to our treceiuin; into eueriafiing Tabernacles. 5.And themfelues uare yet in the flcíh, know not what may be their owne lot. 6. Haue caufe to feare their owne impouerifhtnent ; for, who fo fpareth * more then j meet, is not likely onely, bat Are to come to pouerty. And of the firfi materiali part of the Chapter, checke of Churches tolerating Loyterers, thus farre, followes the correption of the delinquents themfelues. VERS. I1,I2. For we heare that there are force among you which walk,e di forderly, not working at all, but are buffe-bodies. Now them that are filch, we command and exhort by our Lord Iefita Chrift, that with quietnes they work and Bate their owne bread. 27I. t Wt.tg.7. f Iob 31.20, 'Luke 16.9, ° Heb. 13 3, * Pco,tr.24. H E paflage to this member feemes thus. The Apo - file willingly preoccupates what he law likely to be demanded : whereto tends, what meanes, or occafions all this carpel+ vrging vpon vs, cenfure of the inordinate? Refp. Marvell not at it : for we heare,notwithflanding our foremonition, that there are flill among you, whoEwalke diforderly, &c. Particulars in the Text are, r. The crime charged vpon them ; diforder y walking; fpecified for euidence to bee ; t. Not working at all. 7. and which vfually accompanies neglect of our owne butineffe,bufie medli )1g with what con - c^rnesys not. a. The euidence, on which-he proceedes to charge them; heare-fay. 3. Trefcript and vrging toa- mendment, ver. r 3. For we heare there arefome amongyou,&c. May a K- nitter or Church Magií +rate proceede vpon heretic to taxe crimes in the people ? With what cautions? In what man- ner? Refp. So did Paul more then once. See I Cor.t.Io. II. o