Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

Crr i 1.1. With what Caution ? t. His informers were fide degni, fuch as had wonne to themfelues opinion, and halle r.enowne of fanaitie in the Church. See r Cori. i t. Its vu Cafe, foolifh to belieue euery thing, euery man;efpe_ cially where the blemifh redounds to the whole Congrega- tion Ho 4 $ ; there are X that line on the linnet of the people ; e- light in the infamy of the Church. 2. Prudently they car- ried their information : making choife of Paul, in whom was Authority to corree and reforme the things amiflè: a good euidence they fought amendment, not fhame ofthe delinquents ;. Charitable they Phew themfelues in rela- ting the Crime : It was Schifines, t Cor. r 1.18. their title r t Cos, is 4pPes., Y Contentions; ale1Te cuill.: charitie loues not to thinke, or make the worft of other euills. 2. His Modus in proceeding : t. Hee chargeth not the crime vpon the whole Church ; he faith not all, nor molI of you ; but T1VBá Come among you; loquitur quám fieri po- tef# parciffimé. 2. Particuiariz`eth no man, but fpeake.s i definitely ;fome,whither to occafion the Church to obferue all ; or rather to aduantage the delinquents to amend ti ;eir arrifle, before that from Paul's mouth they ihould know their owne names. ;.Though he order them to.cenfure,vpon h-7ypothefis of their incorrigiblenes ;yet fir fI with greatefl grauity,meek- nefle and loue he nourifheth them, felfely to correc`I their errors: v,fe. I could with them that in this relpee make Apof }les their patcernes, to heed alto their cautions ; fo to follow their pradtife that they obferue their LAIodus. a. The Crime generali is, walking cliforderly : where- of See ver.S.Item Annitata ad t Thef. ï. 14. Specified it is in two particulars. r. Not working according to the in- iuneion ; whereof See ver. io. 2. Curiofsty, the W ntiue fruit of Idlenes : fo `Paul notes it, t Tim S. t 3. making it muliebre vitium. But who maruels to fee Idlers become effeminate ?How doth it euirace, vu -man men ? and bring vpon them mollitiemno leflè then womanifh ? Properties of it thus number. t. Bute iuquifttion into ,£eery