C H A P.3 . EDi/fle to the The/jalonian.r. Vax.ta. 273 euery mans fecreteéi anions. a. Z Putting the finger into z r Pet.4.15. euery mans bufinelfe. 3. Wherefore vfually, they are the fire- brands of contention, and vnneighbourly quarrels. 4 Trifling tatlers abone meafure, It Tim. T.13.. 5 Secreta. ries after the rate of Apoffles ; what you tell them in fecret they publifh on the hoofe tops, and in the Market-place. Ca- tern vede aped Plutarchum,in mora libas. Its morbua Epidemical : how may we ftop, or hope to cure it ? While wife men cherub it in themfelues, and are hardly brought to notice it as a fault : And yet Saint Peter glues a Caueat againfl it, asftrin,asagainfi theft, murther 'rPet.4.rç or othermalefacia; nor as ifit were equall to them in the kinde ofemll,but perhaps becaufe it fo eafily inuinuates it felfe,fo plealingly creepes vpon vs, that but with firineft caution we keepe it not out. r . Tantaimne abs re tua otù efl,aliena vt cures, & qua ad to nihil attinent ? Who fo mindes his ownetaske fo large as it is to heed his owne waies, to fee to thofe of his owne houfehold,to know his owne finnes,to mend his own life, findes remedie againftit. x. Others cuills hurt vs not. b Emery man beare:his bGal.6.5. owns burthen : is countable for e hitnfelfe vnto God. e R011114.rz, 3. Note it euer to hcare ill in Scripture; taxed as Hypo. crite vitium, d whyfeefl thou, &c. 4. Drawes with it too foule neglect of our (clues, till wee bee ouergrowne in iniquitie, ci3lat.7.q,5. 5. Layes open to like curiofity,and vncharitable cenfure ofother men. 6. Occauons God hirmfelfe to be the extremer in mar- king what we doe amiffe, See Lariat. 7. a. T VEAS. -1 .±f-, °.a: :krat» r ti.