Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

C H A P.3. Av Expolitlon vpon theecond V E R. 12, VERS. 12. 2C 9w them that are filch we command and exhort by our Lord lefud Chrifl,that with gut' etnef f e they workand cate their owne bread. rr He prefcript,vrging toamendment,wherin is Y. Offs - cium, the Office or aa inioyned together with the LModus. To worke with quietnes. 2. The manner of in- iunclion, with peremptorie and grauell command. Wee Command; and meekcft yet molt ferious obtel}ation, and befeech you by our Lord !elm Chrifi; q.d. by the loue you beate him. 3. Ratio, that fo the bread you eate,may bec your owne. We command and intreate, or exhort you, Brethren, &c. What is wanting to giue vs edge to the dulie ? Heere is I. `Frefcript. 2. Iniunlian. 3, Exhortation. q,, Argu- ment. T. Prefcript,informes the Iudgement; direas what is to be done. 2. Iniundion or mandate peremptorie,prefl'eth,vrgcth Confcience. ;. Exhortation or entreatie, fwayes affe&ion. 4. Reafon preuaìles with all , that are Reafo. nable. Blinde we are all in the things ofGod ; many in maine moralities. Gratious is the Law - giuer, thatibewes thee oh man what iegood, yet are few fo happie as by bare demon flration of duty,to be fwayed to obedience : if any be,they are lure guided by the e ingenuous and free fpirit of Cod, But precept muffbe vpon precept,iniuni lion peremptorie vpon iniunetion, ere Confciencein many apprehend necef- fity of performance. There are whole Confcientes are vr- g ed by iniunaion ; yet are not affetlions allowed to loue and profecute the duety : Heere bath exhortation and in. treatie their place. And there are whole affeáfions are alto inclinable, yet are of curious vnderflanding, that muff fee Reafon