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. . -°tis'- 1ti'iólf.+'. '. .. . .,..,1 b. 1 CH A P.3. Einfile to theThefJâlonians. V E LIT. 275 Reafon ere they glue command for praEtife. Lord what is man that than fo regardeff him? But when Gods Spirit fo tarte defcends, as in all things, after a fort,to humour vs,take heed we defpife not fuch dueries. If God but prefcribed the fanótification of the Sabbath, a Lawe - giuer,as he is f able to /'age and defiroy, were it not fufficient to preite vs to the duty ? But when he (hall fo far condefeend to our backewardnefle, to preffe it vpon Con - fcience with a fpecialli; Memento; by his example leade vs, by Reafons fo plentiful' perfwade vs, take heed how, under pretence of Relaxation fromman,we pollute his ho- ly day : fir de Relignis, where Gods Spirit pleafeth to bee fo importunately vrgent, there chiefely tremble to (light the dutie. What, may we conceiur the Reafon ofPaglr fo inflant and importunate prelling the dutie of labour ? Vrging it with fuch ferious instance and vehemency, againe and 'a- gaine,and a third time,as it he could neuer fatisfie himfelfe in prefling it. Re/ß. 1. The (late of this Church now in fuch ftreits, as diffipation ofit might iultly be feared,except by his rneane it were fupported. ,.The auerienes of fome amongfl them, from the retie. /. Perhaps alto the important necefiity of the duty in it felfe confidered. Such Rrength our Church yet feeles not, nor feares; howbeit t Auerfenes, abhorrence from labour, toylefome may be obferued inoiioft : we are moftly all of/Pc/31r! Tribe : therefore vfually choofe callings of greatefi cafe; in workes ofcalling Chriftian and particular, make choice to be imployed in what is molt eafe(ull : that may bee the Reafon,why many prefïerre hearing,before all other works of Religion. 2. Neceflìty lies alto on vs, h precept peremp- torie : med j aifo; fish -without is we can call nothing our owne. not the bread we Bate ; haue holy or. warrantable vfe of naught wee enioy ; and how hateful' to God is i negligent doing his work! , any woike euen of cal- ling ? How may we rowze our fluggifh nature? Meditate th T :.The