276 C H A P.3. tinExpoft ion vpon the timid V a R.Y2. r. The bleslings which accompany fedulous indufiric; Gods bleflìng goes with it in tcmporalties, See Pro., o. 4.d- r 3.4.& 14.23. 2. His curie is vpon floathfulneflle, k Pro.to.4. that brings k to pouerty. 3. That preuents temptations, at leaf/ blunts edge of them. 4.7hiz encourageth, aduan- tageth the tempter: is Mother and Ninfe, good God, of' how many fowlefl finnes, See Ex,ech. r 6.49. end Bate their ownlbread : Reafon preflìng the duty : But is any Inch bread, that we may call our ovine ? Pelli- lent Anabaptifis are ail for community ; fon e of themfor filch as Plato warranted, wines not exempted : and wifcr then they,giue diflinEtion ofdomínions, no other original, then pofitiue lawes of men. I haue neither lull nor leafure to enter the quef/on ; nor thinke I it pertinent to this Text : this onely; Thou ¡haltnotfteale, is a Law morali, naturali. Why doubt we whether by like Law wee may call fomething our ovine ? Elfe what is theft, or where is it? Vfually its defcribedvfnrpattoReialreneinuitoDomi- no. 2. Confeflèd it is by all judicious, that Dominium not onely in,Res, but in perfonas, hath approbation from Law morali, exod.2o. r 0.5 7. Approbation ? And why not al- fo inflitution ? But nsanum de tabu /A. I had almofi fallen on confutation ofSchoolemens fond Reafons. Owne dread feemes here oppofed alieno, not theirs I. Either becaufe due to others, viti.to impotent,if vnder -. flood of what they received by way of reliefe from the treafure : 2. Elfe, becaufe by no title ciuiii; nor defcent, nor price,nor labour, &c.theirs. How euer, as Salomon aduifed 1 to drinke water of our owne cifferne, fo Paul to ente Tread of our oxvne iufl ac- quiring. Diuines note a double propertie; one fpirituall, which we haue in Chrifl, I Cor.3.23. Anotherciuile,whether by hereditary defcent,or ciuill contradl, er gift, or indußrie. Ciuilitertneum it mutt be that we eate,and filch as by fotne haft title we may claime to be our owne. MLliferum eft, Paid the Poet, alien, visiere quadrra though neuer fo liberally and generoufly conferred vpon vs, tPro.5.15.17.