-`; C H A P.3 . Epifle to t` 4r A enroll. 8 R. 13 2 A vs. Impious, alieno visierepane ih Tauls fenfe ; fuch as by no iufi title we can call our owne. What is that liuing o- ther then vniufi, rapinous, and otherwife injurious ? Their eyes fwell with fames, their paunches as Tunnes, many,who neuer yet ate model of their owne Bread,Is it thine thou haft gotten, by facriledge,oppreffion,fraud,vfu- rie, bribery,dif cmbling poucrtie,impotencie, &c ? Where bath God fan6tified thefe as meaues to make ought our owne ? And not rather threatned , punifhed with dire& curfes fuch methods & mifleries of cofenage and violence, till they haue vomited the fubfiance they haue fo deuou- red. I fay as Salomon, drinke waters of thine owne Ci- fierne ; more then Salomon, m eate the fat ,drinke. the (meet; but with Salomons caution, let them be thine, thine owne onely; by no other meanes yet,by thy labour and indufirie, that fo thou maifi reioyce in the worke of .thine owne hands. VEtts. 13. Rut yee Brethren bee net weary of well doing, &c. Aprolexticall Apofirophe to the people orderly de- meaning themfelues, after the Canon for labour; ha- uing nature of a caution, whofe fumme is this; that how - foeuer exorbitants behaued themfelues, they yet fhould continue in weldoing. What this weldoing is, is queflionable : whither bene- ficence,and relieuing of thefe inordinate ? Refp. t. Except in cafe of extreme necefïity,its not weldoing togiue reliefe to loyterers. 2. And where the;charge generali is, that filch lhould not eate, fuppofe you the Caueat is to yeeld them maintenance from common Treafure ? Thus rather; weldoing vnderfland continuing in la- bour, notwithf}anding the loytering of thefe exorbi- tants. Let not others exorbitanciemakeyou irregular. Though T 3 thou Yfe, Neh.8.to. .1 °: or,