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° Hofh 4.zç. ° z Pec.3.12. P Tit 2.14. Pet,z9. VP. ez Pet,2,4436. H A ,«.; too.: :L _ r 11 though Ifrael play the Frarlot, n yet let rot Judah fin. Gods people may not runne with the fireame, o be car- ried away with the errour of the wicked, See IoA.24.r 5. 2 Pet.2.8 Gen.7,r. I. They are taken out of the world, cal. i.4. 2'. P Gods peculiar, q a ho y Nation to Jl ew forth vertues of him that bath called, 3. Compare 2 Cor. 6. P4, &c. Ephefians N. I I. Millions of Soules daily perifh by negle6,1 of this Rule, while they thinke others exorbitancie warrant for their owne, efpecially when multitudes, great men,or Saints go in the droue, blindely they follow though in preci. pitia. Yet hath the Lord laboured to make vs cauticnate : I Charging not to follow multitudes to euill, Exod.23. 2 Minding vs of their ifue, c wat,7,t ;, monithing that they lie in that euill one, r Ioh.S. i 9. Exemplifying his wrath vpou whole Countries, r worlds of vngodly men, millions of reuolting Angels. 2. Though he tell men,they are not alwaies wife : of Aged, that they vnderfiand not ludgemenr, lob 3 2.9. Profefl'eth to hide there things from wife and pcu- dent,and to reueale them to babes and fucklings,Mat.r r. 2s. r'Cor.r.26. 3. Though doarinally he deliuer it, bell men are but in part fand}ified, r Car. à.2.9.Rom. 7, I .c, prefcribes vs our quatenus in imitating the molt holy,r Cor. r r, r.per- mits chicle of his Saints to fowlefi delinquences. Potent is the temptation, fo that good men fometimes mifcarry in it. Barna6as himfelfe is miffed with Peters dif- fimulation,9 ii.2.I 2. Thus thou maifi be armed againfz ir. r Making thy line of life, notfaElahominum, butprecepta Dei. 2 Confide - ring the befi are but in part fanaified ; and therefore may fuffer human aliquid, lac.3. r . &c, 7.2 2. 3. Thinking no- thing warrant for Confcience in pra6life, but what will hold plea at the Barre of Gods Judgement. The duty, Re notweary ofzrel- doing. Thinke it fpoken to