rlr r^r-^-^%T . .., . . C H A P.3 . EDi;ïle to the The(j'alonianx. V a a. I3 to vs. The word by f e Ipofiles interpretation implies two things; chiefe branches of chat e4cedia, which Schoolemen from Gregorie a number to fins Capitall. r. Tedious yrkefomeneffe, or tiredne f fe in Gods ferisice, charged on lead as their loath cme finne, MA/..t.13. flm. 8.5. for which Gods funk threatens to breake out agaìnfi them, vtinam ne non 6- noflrum. Caufes out of which it iffues, you may obferue thefe, r Lacke of loue to our God, who yet hath done fo great things for vs : the t yoke is cafe, the burthen light ; but ei4manti, is Bernards gloffe. C'ommandements are notgrie- uous to lone, t Ioh 5.3.4. 2 Wee confider not, nor tafle the u fweetnes found in holy duties. Good God, what peace bring they to the Confcience, thorough 8 affatance of Calling ? What or- nament to the foule?Reftoring in it the decayed Image of God.Oh tafle & fee how Gratious the Lord is, Pfd 34.8. 3. Are lead too much by fenfe and carnality; efleeming nothing good, but what is good to fenfe, and yeeld plea - lance to fenfuality : See Pfal.4.6.c.Nal.3.1415. Had we Dauids Spirit, the bitterefi of all feruices would be honey - fweet, accompanied with the light of Gods fauourable counten ance,Tfal.4. 6,7. Is it incident into a childe of God ? Refp.S.Paul had ne- uerelfe Paid of Philippians,t heir care fprang afrefh,Philip. 4.10. yet with this difference. 1 Its not vfuall towards all goodnes vniuerfallie,but in particulars: 2 Is firiuen againfi and bewailed.; Recouery is offirfl loue, to doe firfl workes. 4They rife againe timoratiorties, follicitiores, feruentiores, as it were to make amends for former languifhings. Preuentions or Remedies of it auaileable are thefé. ] Euer rneditate,contemplate the goodnes that is in holy duties. r Ecce quám honum & quàm iucundum, is applicable to all feruices we doe to our God. 2. Be frequent in doing, that thou maifi habituate thy felfe in goodnes : who fo workes or h e6itee, workes with deligfit. 3. Let that be weighed, that wee hazard and lay open T 4 our 275 Heó.rx.3. ° Mar./1.30. 1 Pet.s.3. * Ga1.6.t6. : a Pet.a.io, s .! I Pfa1.133.1.