Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

C H A P.3. An Expolition vpon tbe fecond V s R.13, our felues to the whip, to Gods feuere correíaion, Hofi.5. 15.The Lord will not fuffer grace to ruff in his Children. 4 Defpife not Prophecie, r 7hef.5.19,2o, forfake not A(I'etnblìes, The words of the wife are as Goades, Fc.I 2.1 I. g. Pray God to quicken what languilheth, and is ready to die. 6. Confider i What it euidenceth; our little or no re- lifh of gracious goodnes,, I Tet.2.3. 2 What it caufeth.: deprivall offauours already receiued, e...fmos 8. The fecond thing it denotes, is fainting and whole giuing ouer,Heb.12. ?.one well calls it inperfeuerántiam.Its tome- times in bos :o particalari, fometimes vniuerfali : then to be trembled at. r We look what we hate wrought,2 Ioh. 8. or fuffered,cal.3.4. 2 Proclaime our felues to haue bin but hypocrites,hauing forme onely of godlines : Its not of hypocrifie to bee but temporarie, Mat. i 3.2 t. Hofb.6.4. 3 The diuel reentring brings with him more, and worfe then himfelfe,Mat. t 2.45.vitious thou then growth aboue the ordinarie rate of nature 4Recouery, after fucliwhole relapfing,is impofi.ïble,Heb.6.4,5,6.& io.26. May it fall into Gods children? 46fzt : t the better Couenantaflitres 'ofperfeuerance,ler.32 40.2 pro - mife ofGod is to confirme, i ( Ferfe6 1,Phil. i 1.6. to fafeguard by his power to faluation, t Pet. r.5. 3 Chrifk intercedes, raignes at his fathers right haadd, that nothing may feparate, Rom.8.34, 3 5 Why then caueat giuen them againft it ? Reffi, t to minde of naturall mutability ; for by grace we (land, Rom. 11.20. 2 Cautions are meares fan ?ified to preuent it: t our owne endeauours are required to our eftablifhment, t Zahn 548. 2 which,thefe items and exhortations,with- out mifling,kindie,and cherifh in vs. Beloued,thefe are the;a(t times, perillous for z recidi- uation : now feemes the autumne of the Gentilifh Church; wherein trees fulle(t offap,haue many can their fruits, al- ino(t loll their leaues ; God grant the root keepe lift, that care of Gods feruice may fpring afrefh; elfe, what bodes it ?