C H A P.3. Epifi/e to the Theponians. it ? but that wee (hall become fewell for the fire vn- quenchab le. Obfecro per lefum, a rake heede leaf? you alfo be carried away with the errour of the wicked, andfall from your owne teclfaf ne fe. Efpecially let him b who thinks he flandr,Mk! heedeleafb he fall. Behold e/1"clammkept not his [landing in innocency; Angels greater in power and flrength then we, yet kept not their fir(' elate. I fay not but we haue better promifes in the new couenant; But its good to feare our owne infirmity,perillous to relie on our own flrength; mu- table more then the winde, is man in himfelfe, efpecially from good to euili. Preuentions profitable meditate thefe.:. t prefutne not of thine owne flrength to begin or continue weldoing, leaft the Lord leaue thee to thy felfe, as C Ezechias, as d Peter; till thou haue learnd that the way of man is not in himfelfe, that its God who workes both will and deede. 2 Pride not thy Idle in thy be(} doings : e hit more,is it fo much as duetie ? is not all flained with f fowlell ble- mifhes ? and who is he a that workes all our good workes in vs ?Take heede leaft the Lord permit thee to euill,till thou haue learnd to be vile in thine owne eyes; to acknowledge him author of h euery good gift, of euery a l and exercifc of gracious qualities. 3 Reioyce not,nor infult ouer the fall of others, leafs the Lord fee it and it difpleafe him : through infidelitie they were broken off, and by faith thou flandeft; i bee not high minded, but feare ; thou alto maifl be tempted, Gal.6.i. 4 Set before thine eyes the fearefull elate of them who haue reuolted from holy courfes; if not that terror,nothing will worke thy caution,Heb.io. 2. 6.&c. 5 Confider the fruits prefent; the k glorious reward to come, leafs thou be wearied, and faint in thy rinde, Heb.i2.3. .6 Dote not vpon the acceptance or approbation of men : fot wherein is it to be efleemed ? Thus thinnkee : thouoh tz Caro ,3z,3t, à mat.z6.31,7o, 72,74. e Luk.i7.to. r I fai 64.6. s & z6.iz. h Iam.t.t 7. 'Rom.: r.zo, :iar,."'y,,.gP,a ;,°L;- á4.lÌ+ r. . :Á+1+u;t ?sw