278 C H A P.3. An Expofttion vpon the frond V E R.14, 11 5 though thou labour in vaine in reípeet of men, yet is thy reward with the Lord, and thy worke with thy God, Ifni ¢9.4. Haffen not to the reward :its good to truff and to waite : iu due time wee (hall reape if we faint not, gal. 6.9. r Vfe. !Amos 7.10,13 Itt V E R S. 4, I 5. If any man obey not our fayings by this Frifizle,note that man, and haste no company with him, that he may bee ajïramed. Yet count him not ,u an enemie, but admonifh him as a Brother. AFter caueat giuen to regulars, he returnes to the in- ordinate : giuing new order for their centime in cafe they continued refrattarie after new warning giuen by this Epiffle: where is i the punifhment of two branches : I note him : z company not wich him. z Mitigation of the pun:fhment; or rule of moderati- on correóiuely annexed, that through mitiake they ran not to extremity, ver. r 5. Ifany man, of what ranke or qualitie foeuer, now obey e not, Note him. Impartially he requires Church Cenfures to proceed againfi all contumacioufly exorbitant: feet Cons. r. alike figuis. To Timothie the charge is giuen with folemneft obteffation,little lefre then adiuring, E Tim. 5.z I. So eflmbrofe bare h,mfelfe to Theodo/ìur the Emperour; who,notonelyfubmit:edto the cenfure, but euer honoured,admired the Bifhops carriage. Whither is it more happy, or more miferable to be Great ? can any tell me ? As the times now goe, more mi- ferable. i eflmos may not come at Bethel, his words are too heauie.2\,athan is too plaine to be a great mans Chap - laine ; they loue to be quiet in their fin:ies.Cenfures are growne timorous to approach Nobles or Gentrie. That horrible