C u A P.3. Epif le to the t heffalonians. ' ` 4,1 horrible and filthy thing is committed in the Land. The Propets prophetic lies; the Priefls receive gifts, and the people delight to haue it fo : And what will ye doe in the end thereof? The happinefiè of greatnetl'e feemes this one - ly ; as the great favourite at Rome, peccandi licentiá 1'x/i- ces appellantnr : As the Ifraelites into Canaan, fo patlè thefe to their Hell, no dogge opening mouth, or wagging tongue againfl them : yet was there as great as the grea- te(l, whole prayer was, Let the righteous finite me friend- ly and reproue me; who eneemed it as precious,as the fo- ueraigneft balfome, cPfal.141.g. I Why m ftrengthen we the hands ofthe wiekZed, that he cannot retorne from his wick,edneffe ? 2 Why hazard we the valgus to infèction,impenitency ? Saw you euer great - nelle fall alone ? 3 minde that of the ancient flnlderike: : how íhall their foules at laß1 clamour and curie vs ? when they feele the torments, which holefome feuerity might haue kept them from Obey not oorfayings by this Episffle : fo l thinke mull be the reference, and not to enthitti" via: q. d. 1f to this new monition by thisEpifile they bare themfelues refraclary, then (pare not,but note them. Contumacie in /malleft inns is more then a little nous, makeslyable to feuereft Cen itre: óntempt17. compare N im.15.3o. ad 37 Arguing Authoritie, 2Cumb.s 5.3 a. z Defperate obilinacy in the offender. Clamours are frequent againfl abides of excommuni- cation. A lackway they fay its made for fees; and that thunderbolt is can out at fmalletl offences. Gouernours haue age; pro ferOondeant: this onely confider : though the fïnnei be little,-yet fhould the (inner be contumacious? The lazing of thefe loyterers is not numbred amongfl mor- tals : nor lets the delinquent in hate of enmity with God, verf s T. yet contumacie therein , Paul orders to be cen- lured with Tome kinde, and degree of Exconamunica- tión. nlo. 1 i é Errare pofum,faïd Saint Aus`i"ine, Hareticus off let 1 l ¡8 ` R :? +?47:Zi 4047. a 5 vfel..