284 Vfe a. *Emu,' r. Sec Pro. 15.5 P Y Amo,46,&c. Ifai t.s. CH A P.3. An Expoftion vpon the/'econd V E x.14,15, Let it be our minde for frailties,fo r lighted offences; there liues not the man on earth fo iud, that doth good and firmes not, Bccl.7.3 9. yet Farr,: be ir, that our hearts Jhould be "fit in vs to doe euill: obfirmed againfi all monitiors,re- proofes, cenfures tending to reforme vs; that, argues vs defperately contumacious. Euidences of it : I to defpifc admonition, Prou, i :.t. a more to hate the reprouer, t`prou,9. y, 8. 3 yet more,to be exafperated by admonitions to become more vile ; So- domites, Gen. r 9.7, 8,9. 4 height of it, when god aiifls, and mePforrow not,nor9amend,but r encreafeour reuolting. There growes vp with it, I flupifaìion ofConfcience: a obflinacy of Will : 3 infatuation of ludgement, Ifai 5. io. Rom. r.x8. The punifhment ig o- : Note that man: fomera- ther render notice,or fignifie him : the word lignifies both, Note him with a brand ofinfawie ; or notice him as infa- mous to the Church, that all may auoid him. Confent of ben Interpreters is ; that fuch noting, figni- fying, or noticing him to the Church, is the fame at leaf} in forne degree with Excommunication : Saint eArstfine fo iudgethlib.3.Cont.Epifl. parmen.cap.4.Theophylall alfoad locum. But whether of like nature and extent with our greater or leiTe Excommunication, in both which is exclu- lion from communion in Sacris, is not aptly refolued. Is it perhaps Caietanes middle betwixt the two; their debar- ring the Temple, Table , conuerfation of the faithfull ? ,were: for I refolue not : EFlitu his reafons fway me to thinke the greater Excommunication, orgiuing vp to Sa- tan, is not ment : for Saint Paul allowes them not to be accounted enemies ; nor were their finne, though ioyned with a little diffe contumacy, fo enormious as topromerit it. Nor the lea, as now tis in vie with vs : for therein is no interdiet of Societie. Perhaps then its fome other de- gree of fuch Cenfure now grown out ofvfedmplying their publique noticing or pointing at by name in the Con- gregation, by the Gouernours of the Church, that they twere filch as from whole focietie the people mull ab- flaine.