C H. A 13.3. Epiftle to the Theffalonians: V$ R. t4 I á' flainc.And this may be the note of Infamie fet upon them : indicent dol`li, And haue no company with him, that he may bee atha- med. The fecond kinde or degree of puni(hment added to their publique defignement by the paflours, concernes the people for execution : bane no company with him, after fuch publique denouncing him vnmeete for it : And is amplified by the end, or poflible fruit , that he may bee a- fbamed. As touching the kinde or degree of Society here interdicted vs, bath bin treated ad ver. 6. And is here ex- plicated in the very terme chofen to expreffe it. n cvva- vaujyvu i.Be not mingled with him. If I be not deceiued, bee meanes in fuch inward and intimous familiarity, as is betwixt a man and his friend : quid hoc ad Sacra ? But notice it a punìíbment more then a little grieuous to be fecludedfrom familiar Society with ajods Children : here if any where is bath place of Salomon, r v e foli ; when a man lines as an out -caff from amongfl Gods people. What a benefit did Da sid efteeme it ? that t the righteous Jbould re- fort vasto his company ; and not without caufe : fo many comfortable bleflings accompany it: fo many aduantages to our bettering in goodneffe : s walke with the wife, thou (halt be wife, Pro. 1 3.2o. with the holy thou filait learnt holinefhe ; their example will allure, excite, inflame thee to holy emulation : a their lips will feed thee, with count ll,exhor:ation, inflruaion, `Prou.xo. ai. fo is their fpecch gracious moflly alwayes, fit to minifter grace to the hearer, Eph.4.zg. Did not our hearts burne in vs,when he talked with vs in the way and opened to vs the Scrip- tures ? Luk, a4.3 z. 3 How bridles it paf ons; not yet fo well mattered, corruptions not fully mortified, defiring, (Lord, ho-,,v oft? how eagerly,) to breake out and vent themfelues ? the awe of fuch pretence much reftraines them. 1Vasnquam ad to accedo, luin difcedam dotlior, faid he in the oratour. Nor (halt thou to fuch company, but thou fhalt depart Sanílior: opportunities are there euer obuious, to receiue or doe force good: penali therefore it rEccl:f..}.g,ro. o Pfal. tgz.9.