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V(e. I' I COr.z2.2I. Ep6,43a It A P.3. An Exp ®Rion vponthefecond Va rt.I4,I5. it mull needes be deemed, to be fecluded. Is it our pride, or melancholy,er wrath,or loathnefl'e to be reproued; or lacke ofloue to goodnefle, or what, that makes vs willingly fequeiler from fuch focietie ? e..9bfsnt. Farre be they all from Gods children : why doe we thus wilfully detriment, punifh our felues,deprjuing our felues of fo many holy helpes towards heauen : Can u the head fay to thefoot, the eminentefl to the meanefl Saint, 1 hake no neede ofthee ? Saint Paul, a great Apoflle,thought yet he might be edified by peoples mutuali faith, Rom. I. 1 a. More let vs tremble to merit exclufion, by z Scandalouf- nef e : 2 or other "grieuing the holy jhirit of God in the hearts of his Saints. The end or iflue of fuch punifhment,tbat he may be afZ,,a- med. This, though not vertue, yet vertuous affeaion, God bath appropried to tine nature of man ; other creatures, as they haue no fenfe or apprehenf-,on of what is turpe, and matter of reproach, fo nor touch, nor tinC1ure of Shame : the vie of it in mans nature, is to be a bridle to fenfualitie; monitor,to keepe decorum, &c. Kindes of it, the fonne of Sirachnotes two,Ecclef.4.2I. z there is a/l,ame that 6ringeth fi ine; fuch as our Sauiour points at,when we are alEamed to confeflé him or' 'his Gof- pell; or when its reflraint from any good d uetie : as if there were turpitude in vertue,which is our glory. 2 And there is aibame that dringeth roorfhip and honour: as what reftraines from euill ; or but fignifies our appre- henfron of turpitude in the euils committed : It glues hope of corre&ion and amendment : as the Philofopher, E'ru4- 6uit, falua res efi. Its both a preparatiue to repentance, and a confequent and figne of it. Arguing the minde and judgement fo far reformed, that it now fees turpitude in fin, and inclines to detefl and flye from it: wherefore alto its here put tranfuaxrp- tiué to denote repentance. That it accompanies Repentance to Attlee at euill, at leaf to account itflamefrr /l: fee Ier.31. t 9. Rom 6.21. And as to Erie it feernes, more kindly teflifies it, then forrow orgriefe for