Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

CHAP .3. Epiffle to the 7 h alonlsnt, r E forfinne ; which ifues oft out of feare,or fenfe ofwrath; rather then, as (name, out of turpitude apprehended in finne. Defperate forlorne times there are; bee flanders them not,who faith they are as farre from repentance,as they are from fhame. The x whores forehead,the Y brow of Brafl'e complained of in the Prophets, is the temper, the com- plexion of this generation : fowle(l finnes,and more then befliali, that Saints and morali heathens would blufh to name : how many glory in and make matter of-boafling? Their drunkenneffe z flinkes in the noflrils of God and men ; and yet they a vaunt it as point of manhood. b Al- fembling by companies into harlots houfes, they fhame at no more, then Horfe orMule that haue no nderflanding : were they afhamed when they liad committed thefe abo- minations? They were not afhamed, neither could they haue any, fhame. And (hail not I vifit for there things faith the Lord ? fhould not my foule be avenged of filch a Na- tion as this ! Such impudency you (hail obferue to iffue,frocn a feared full infatuation of judgement ; no leí1e, then what Pawl (files the c reprobate minde, Ifai exprefheth and cries woe vnto, vnder the name , of calling good twill , and e- ttill good. s Elfe from violent anzi boy(lrous affedlions,fo bewitch- ed with the pleafiures of fanne, that blindely they carrie a man, to e breake through (hame, feare, confcience, or whatfoeuer (lands in their way to hinder from their Idole. 3 Or from commc.nneffe of the f nne,and cuflonie re- ceiued amongi+ the people, with whom they dwell : In Sodome it was no name to play the Sodomite; fo had old and yong, people and Princes made it matter of f.fhion. And amongfl vs, how many fiùnes, monlirous in a graci- ous eye, are growne into fafhion? into efleeme of habili- ments neceffary to make vp the compleat Gallant ? And matter of blemi(h and imputation its growne not to doe as the company ; not to runne with the luxurious to the fame excefiè of riot. 4 Or, %9.:.. . _. iar.3.3. liai 484. z1- 1014.58. '1Cai yaz, b IC 14.738. Roms. d ifai f. 110111.4 c. _ ...__., .,....%C+::r.R°`.+r