á8S f Pfal.15.4. 4 Or,which is not the leafl flrength of this impudence, addes fleele to the brafle o'r the bow, promifcuous admit- ting to the focietie of the ciu4lefl ; welcome entertaine_ ment, and chearefuliefl countenance fhowne to filch coif_ creams, from men in authoritie, euen filch as profeftè to know and feare God : when may we hope to fee in fuch faces the colour ofvertue, whofe vices finde fuch friendly countenance from vs ? That not without caufe Paul orders thefe inordinate to be excluded from company of Gods people: It was in his iudgernent.fitte,I1 to works in thempenitent fbame: fitnefle thus iudge of : t Man is by nature eArnimal politicnrn, a fociab!e creature. They are not more perfect,but more ex- trauagant,who afTea lone.neflè. 'flees pradarin Aocke not together; they loue to Aye alone. And in long experience we haue found it true : Thofe Solitaries of the Romifl Church, vnder pretence of more fanclitie and contempt of the world, haue but gaped after the prey ; are growne the fatter, by not diuiding the fpoile. But, except inch feeming Saints,or fome barbarous ime4O peer,ç,euery mans ó punt carries him to focietie. What now? when manners grow fo intollerable, that euery man fhuns his conuerfati- on ; how is he occafioned, to inquire into the caufe ? to be loathfome to himfelfe, whom none vouchfafeth company, or courteous greeting. a Adde hereto that nantrall ambition, that meere Swains are affeêed withal' ; to be counted fome -body in the neighbourhood where they hue fearefull and defpe- rate haue ìffues cffcorne beene,in men,as we would deeme them,fcarce fenfible of contempt. 3 But in the Church,vvhere they are all: honoured that feare the Lard; none contemptible, but whom vice makes vile: where we haue tailed benefits of focietie of Saints, participated honourable efleeme, while our courfes were holy; here to become an outcafl, a (corne of filch men; how couers it the face with fhame and confufion, pier - ceth deepe the heart, where is any line fparke or (cede of Grace? The