C H A P.3 . Epi/fle to the The/falonians. V 8 R: F5. The fitter it is to work penitent fhame,the more fhould be our Care to prae-tife what is prefcribed : Sequefiring the diforderly from our friendly Society. Oh that wee might hope to fee wickednefle grow bafhfull ; fo model }, but as of old : when g adulterers waited for the twie- light, and bemantled themfelueswith darkeneire : That drunken - neffe and Reuelling might be but ' night- worker: The fun at noone no witnefle of filch abominations. But now they I declare their fins as Sodome and hide them not : what mar - uell? While kerning fanctitie glue them countenance; fcarce any is fo holy, as to with -hold their god/peed. See nnotata adver.6. Yet count him not at an enemie ; but admonifh him at a Brother. The Rule of moderation in the punifhment. Count him not as an enemie; to God, or goodneffe, or the Chritlian name; as if in our Sauiours language he had faid; let him not, for all this, be to thee as an heathen or Publican: which makes me thinke, Paull noting or notizing them to the Congregation, is not Excommunication Complete. Yet count him not as an Enemie. Not ? When aiffely,af. ter new monition, bee continues inordinate ? In no cafe. As if 'Paul meant to teach vsthat paradoxe; There ma, be grace where is not thorough Reformation, where appeares ßáfene fJ"e more then a little, in continuing, forre delinquen- ces. Afa and I ehofh bphat are nnmbred amongfl the Righ- teous; yet flood the high places in vfe all their dales. Of ffa and his Reigne thus fpeakes the Scripture. k They put net donne the high places. Weuertheleffe fat Heart was vpright breath the Lord all his °bier. This vnderiland mee to meane thorough reformation : not onely of the degrees, which no man in this life .rea -, cheth vnto; but of the pares ofd uric : fame pares of duty may fall to be omitted, forne fumes continued, and yet grace renewing bee in the heart. t There are finnes in themfelues, that are not fo to vs ; in our knowledge and apprehenfion : may not ignorances. Band with Grace ? Who then is Gratious ? In many particulars, latet quad V Wium glob 14.1s; :I Thcf:í.'. Ifai.3,9. k I King. ;gif.) i4414l'iiii';;:_w"r°tl7.Stm.,iew l ïá