290 C H-A 31.3. An Expo*ion vpon the fecond V á R. IC. Aufiin. 1E421.19.1a. Yfa Phil.3. t í. ° Ioh.r 1.14. Thom. t' zag. 33. P iufium efi : there are 1 f cret, that is, vnknowne fans which Gracious Dauid prayes to be cleanfed from. 2 Where our ignorance lies, may there not bee flifnes in continuing the fins,without impeachment ofourgratious eflate?3 Where meanes of conuition are affoorded, but the mincle not inlightenend to difcerne firength of Rea ons, Is it not pof- fible,thinke you, there may be grace, though the fin con- tinued ? This Rule I walke by ; where I fee obedience ex- tended to the latitude of knowledge ; and honefl purport., to correct what God ihall heereafter euiol to be finfull, to that man I allow the opinion ofGracious Vncharitably Cenforious we are growne above mea- lure : when euery peccadill is thought incompatible with {grace ; when Ignorances or infirmit es are deemed repug_ nant to fincerity,point deuife a man muti iumpe in Judge- ment and praetife with vs, elfe wee proclaime him none of Godi halfe Anathenaa,for my part,to him,who wilfi lly & againfl his knowledge violates minima mandator ú: of him, who in greater is inuincibly ignorant, and fo finnes, while Iudgement is found in fundamentals of Faith, praelife re- formed in fubflantials of vndoubted moralities,I wil hope as Paul, god will in m tame Reueale; In the interim af- foord him my fuffrage to be an Ifraelite indeed. But admonifl him as a Brother. The fecond Branch of the Rule. Where is, r 4Et14 : e - 1dmonifh him. 2 C.Xodus, ar a Brother. Although for my part, I thïnke Saint Pauls ols here to denote n veritie, not fimilitude; or rather to bee taken rationally ; becaufe a Brother; yet by inference falles in the cModus; for ifa Brother, why not fo to be vfed in admonition? 1 Adau : eAdmonifh him: who bath leifure, may con. fuit to this point o Thomas and ocher Schoolemen; fcme- what voluminoufly, yet profitably handling ,the dutie and circumflances; vnder the title of Brotherly correp- tion. Thus they defcribe it ; Charitable minding the Brother to amend his life. Termes of Scripture ar three,exprefling fo many degrees of it. r vugsoia; minding, P Remembran- cing,