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ICH AP.3. Epftleto the Theffaloninns. VER.tS, cing, putting in minde of dutie, without any fo much as tartres in proceeding. 2 9 hrnrtgCia or %mriforis; a pænous kinde of warning ioyned with reprehenfion. 3 ; r Obiurgation,or tart chiding,and without forme acrimonie offpeech,and termes of Rebuke or Reproch. They well ad wife, and futablie to the Apofile, that with chaftening or chiding reprehenfions people may not meddle; that being appropried to thof: in authority. a Whereof? The generali is of mending their amifl'e: particulars auaileable that way are; alf we minde them that their faC is iïnful;there be that fin of ignorance,caufe them to know their tranfgreflion;fhew them their fins,lfai.58.t. 2Tim.2.25. 2Of the greatnes of their fin according to the kinde,de- gree,or circumflances of it.Its natural to mofl,to little their fins ; thence ifïües little regard to auoide or amend them. 3 Of the peril' or hurtfulnes of fin; the flaine,guilt,punifh- ment that follow ir. 3 Whom concernes it to performe? Ref p. r Euery Browne or vnderflanding Chriflian. Whither he be in cha- rity or not, matters not in refpe6t of obligation to the du- tie,though much to the JZegular performance. We liue rue thinkes,vnder a generali deluge of iniquity; likely, for ought I fee, to encreafe to more vngodlineffe ; what thorough impunity in Magifirates, timoroufnefí'e of Miniflers,and what for negleCs of people : who whither out of opinion that its proper to miniflers,er through want of zeale for God, or compaflion to their Brethren, or thorough t prudence,becaufethe time iemill, are growne too filent and remiffe in this dutie. Yet z is the mandate peremptotie : z omiffron cenfu- red, hating of our Brother,Leuit.19./7. 3 and where are our bowels of compaflion to the foules of our Brethren ? bidever.z3. 4. Is it nothing that our Sauiour faith? Thou haft wonne a Brother,tbtat. r 8.1 5. more to mee it founds, then thou hail wonne a world. Nothing? That thou fa- uefl a foule ? Couereft a multitude of finites ? lac.5.2o. 5 Nothing, that by omiffion we participate guilt of their V 2 finnes? r Am.5.r3. sI . - : r, :