r IOilr 7 * Aunft.itt de Ciuitat,Dei C 11 A P.3. An Expofition vpon tbe fecond V E R. Ir g. times ? Are guilty of bloud of foules? ui proximi mala confpiciunt d' filentio pratereunt, quaff confpeelis vulneribte vfum medicaminisfudtrahunt. 6 If none of there moue, yet let our owne perill touch vs : One Achanfinees,a!l u If_ rael flie : wherefore? Saith Auffin, their ;ye was not on their Brethren to preuent their medling with the curled thing. And for this, faith the fame Author,* Chriflians al- fo taf'e violence of Gothes and vandales, for that they were not monitors to heathens to amend their ldo- latrie. 4 Whom muff we admonifh ? Is the next queflion. Refp. Euery Brother, that is childe of the Church ; that's but ofquef}ion. But thinke you thofe alto that are with- out ? Refp. Lot was monitor to Sodomites ; and, mee thinkes,the precept holds for aliens, turn. and cattle others to turne, Ezech.18.3o. efpecially if cohabiting with vs, I Cor. 7.16. But may Inferiours meddle with Superiors ? Refp. If they be Brethren, why not ? Keeping their duetifuil re- fpe6ts of obferuance. x Iob defpifednot the iudgerent of hisferuant contending with him. Naaman liffens to his fer- uants counfe11,2 Reg.s.i 3, ti. Yet aretherefotne, whom wee are inhibited to deale with all. t Knowne Apofiates for ther,lohnwarrants r not to pray; nor them, any wife, to admonifh. 2 Pertinacious heretiques already monifhed, and yet refraaarie, reieó, T :t.3. i o. 3 Z Scorner :, men fet downe in that chaire of Peffilence deale not withall; what (halt thou purchafe to thy felfe ? but a blot,-hatred,and vnneceffarie perill. What to thole pearies of facred admonitions ? But Swi- nifh contempt: See Pro.9.7.cat.7.6. It were wifedome,if men could temper that,which they terme their zeale in this behalîe,Itneane , fpare monifhing, where is iuil cattle to feare their ovine certaine danger, or fcoffing icorne of holy admonitions. Whereof ? Re#. Of their u nnes that they may amend them. L. But thinke you of their venials,their lighter of- fences ? Refb. Yes, euen of them, z They hurt with their m ul-