Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

, ¡'w.c -. -¡-- . r.;aT+..,..Ti r. ^T-i^, , . . C e.a H A P.3 . Epi/fle to the The/faloniant. V a R.15. 293 multitude ; hoc facit fentina , quad pasts irruenc. And though they hurt not as thunderbolts, yet as haileflones. z They make way to greater ; as little thieues open the windowes or doores to flouter villaines. 3 Betides that there are force connexed with mortalls, and flrongly in- cline thereto; fuppofe wanton lookes or fpeeches to the Mt of whoredorne. 4. And wee are not ignorant of a Sa. tans wiles; of the b deceitfcrinesoffinne,2\Cemo repenté fit pefm; u. . ' z Cor.a.t t, bHeb. ;,r3, Yet efpecially ofgreater: s They more hurt by wafting Confcience. z Conui6tion ofconfcience is calller; and hu- miliation, the end of monition, more probablie at- tained. What ofprivate offenfes ? Fall they alto vnder our cen- fure ? Rem. Of thefe is that of our Sauiour to bee vnder- flood, if c thy Trot-her Panne aping thee ; i.e. either hur- ting thy perfon or fame &c. or to foiàrfciente ; Tell him of it. r Private fumes fometimes draw downe publique vengeance, IoJb.7. 2 Hurt the foule of the delinquent,ex- pofing it to peril! of obduration, and other vengeance from God ; though it dammage not others by example, nor the Church by fcandale. !Mat strf. Howbeit the rule is,that the monitiond bf primate ; leaf} in labouring to falue his confcience,thou bring hurt to thy 1lbidem. Brothers faine. Except perhaps the finne be pernicious to community; or the dammage meant in it to anothers per- fon, exceed the detriment may come to the (inners fame : then is allowed cautionate publication. Thus farre of the Mt or duty, with the feuerall .circumftances pertinent thereto : the c.ítilodud followes. I The generals is ; that it be charitably performed ; for we deale with a Trot-her : and mull expreffe loue no leffe then brotherly vertu es fubordinate to bee exercifed in this dude are, s Veritie and iullice : whole precepts are there : s That it be crimefull, at leaft force way finfull,we blame, for why e fpcake we mill ofgood? What god hash f cien- fed,why call we common or vncleane ? a Let the crime be euident ; force constant there mutt a irai.s.zo, f A&io.r 1. V 3 be