C HA P.3, yin Expo titles Vpsnthe fecoud .yER.IC. be of ít, more then fufpition,or Rumour : elfe wee admo. nifh not, but accule and-flander our Brethren. In both refpeels, are faultings. Our lancie or prejudice fometimesanuitiplies fins ; makes more then euer God made : and ouer credulous we are moil in peiarem partem: whereof though the accufed may make good vfe, by watching to preuent the fins charged on him ; yet faults the monitor as a falle Acculer. 2 Prudence ; whole Rules are thefe : t The a temper of the delinquent ; muff be confidered, and thereto carriage of the monition fitted ; wee othervvife handle nettles,then thornes : & contra. a Qualitie and degree ofthe fin mull be weighed ; not to deale with h beames,as with moues ; nec contra. 3 State and condition ofperfons muti be diflinguifhed; That Reuerence i to Age or other dignity bee not forgot ten: Chriflianity makes not vnmannerly ; nor ailowes to be fo, 4 Opportunity of time and place, much aduantageth the preuailing of admonition. Learne herein prudence of a woman, A6iggail, t Sar. 2 .3 6, 37. Difcretion,fome indifcreetely call an Idol. Suite thee is a Queene in Ethickes : vertue it felfe ceafeth to bee ver- tuous,wken in hir actions (lice lackes this guide. 3 Meekeneffe : to calme our owne pallions ; and not to exafperate others : was Shimei a monitor ? A Rayler ra- ther,a Sam.t6.7. &c. 4 Compaflion,T'angat memoriam common, inftrmitas: piercing aboue meafure are the expreflìons of it. Thus thinke i Seedes of all finnes are in thee. a Either thou k haft bin tempted.; 3 Or t miff be tempted ; fo need compaffion as much as thy now delinquent Brother. v S I ude t. L2i i3. ivlat.7.4. VER s.