C H A F.3. Eptflle to theThefraloniatrs. V eR.16. VERS. t6. Now the Lord of peace hímfelfegiueyoupeace alwaies by all meanes. Elul, you may perceiue, grower towards his dole; fo r thicke and threefold he falles vpon his deuotion.How- beit this ivxa or rather paf sonate prayer,if I miflake not, hach reference to the former dude : implying Caxtion a ain rhat,whether mifchiefe, or inconuenience, vfually confquent to admonitions. Except prudence beare the greater fway, ending in heart burnings,difcontents, and no lea then notorious Violations of peace. What through pride of heart, and choleriquenes of the galled Confcience in the delinquent ; and what thorough imprudence, or fhew of wrath in theReprouer,they feldomepart,or after meet, but they drike a heat. My Brcthcen,thefe things ought not fo to be ;' i m Am I therefore an enemie becaxfe I tell you the truth ? But as Achab, none fhould thinke fo. z Doth he hate the pa- tient, that perfecutes the feuer. 3 Oh where is `D amid s fpirit, who counted it pretious ° balme ? Yet fee,as if a fim- pie monition to keepe peace inuiolable, had bin to no a- uaile, God is prayed vnto,himfelfe to interpofe for prefer - uation of peace. Particulars in the prayer are i The bleffìng prayed for; 'Peace. 2 The Author,The Lord ; The Lord himfelfe.3 The necefiìcy or difficulty or excellencie ofthe Welling (who can tell whether ?) In the forme of the petition, The Lord himfelfe, e lrraies, by all meanes. De to There is peace the vertue, or fruit of the Spirj Ga1.5.22. And there is peace the bielfing; The Lord J7 7l Bine veto his people the bleug of peace, Pfal. 29. t t. Whe- ther meanes the Apolile ? One, or both ? Truth is, they are fubordinate., In vaine we (hall expe& other then tumultuous conuer- fation,till God giue vs peaceable fpirits : And in the 'Pours V 4 tain e s :. °Gal.4.16. ° I Reg.u.zo, ° PfaI.10. f. .1