Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

29 6 1 C x A P.3. An Expolitiort vpon the fecond V R.16. rzCor.I.iz, ?vfe. e ° Ec.s,t Z.& * 8,I I. = z Cor.4.8,9. 17. a Numb. 2.3.1o. b Iac.z. S. gEpheCü.3. d Mai.g,i8. e Mae. 5.9. tame of the Lordfhallhe P peace, that the lambe may dwell fecretlq with the Lyon, and the young childe play vpon the hole of the Afpe, where. God bath once maRered our tur- bulent affections. Suppofe it meant ofpeace the vertue ; are not vertuous inclinations gratious 6/eft-hogs of fod ? As to me they feeme,rhe prime of his bleffings : to be q poore in Spirit, pure in heart,mecke,mercifull,& -c. are filed fo many bea- titudes; fay Schooletnen truefy, they are beatitudo difpo- fitiva; fo many difpofitions to perfea bleffednefle. 2 Eui- dence.oar title to confummate beatitude. 3 Are pledges, r earne( ofit.4 Bring (peace to the Confcience,fill the foule with ioy vnfpeakeable and glorious. 5 Are appropried to the veffells of mercy that fl-all bee heires of falua- tion. Which, if nothing elfe, may calme cur fretfull murmu- rings at that teeming ataxie ; that in outward things there he wicked, to whom it comes after the work ofthe Righteous: Righteous, to whom it befalls after the work of the wicked : what then ? Are therefore the proud blefhed ? Or Gods Children miferable? z Them fee permitted to fowlefi euils; thofe we call euills of fault. z Stayne with their cafe; e baned with their wealth ; * obfirtned iii euill. 3 Porlorne of all vertuous goodneffe, which onely fieedes in the day of wrath, Tro. t t.4. Thefe, affliRed indeed, xbnt t notforfaken:27 renewed in the Inner man: 3 and marke but their end,its peace : In their z death is hope,com- fort, fuch as a Ralaam vs' to partake : and in the in- terim,adorned with vertues ; b Rich in faith ; blef ed in all e fpirituallblejngs that concerne Iife and godlinef e ; that cuen now we may dd f erne twixt him that f rueth him thatferneth him not; while God calls onely the Refute of his bleffings vpon the wicked; referues his prime fa- uours, vertuous Inclinations, to the Children of his Loue. Amongf} thefe, reckon it as none ofthe meanefl,to be of a peaceable Spirit : This vertuous bleffing, a bleflèd vertue : charaHerizing vs e Gods Children, whole (file it is, fre- quent