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fir'TP`'rc.. C H A P.3. E?ifileto theTheffalonians. V a a.16. quent at any, to be the God of Peace. There are pacati: as Hamor and Shechemglue Teflimo- nie of lacob and his Retinew ;The men are f peaceable among fi vs. No fleeref inen in contentions ; yet when ex- asperated by wrongs, going forth too haflelecto contentions; there is Leo dormiens. z. 'Patientes ; whom iniuries proueke not to breach of peace. Why g rather feef fer yee not wrong? ;. `acifici; Ambirious,atterafort, to compofequar- rells ; yeel ding, perfwadingto any thing Reafonable, ra- ther then peace to be violated in the mountaine of Gods holinefre ; fuch h cflofes;' eiibraham. Thefe fhall be cal led thefonnes of God; noticed of all men, to beare the Image of the God of peace. Sirs, We are Rrethren;why firisee we ? Frfpecially about trifles ; indifferent Church Ceremonies; fo long, till wee haue made our felues a reproach, a prey almofl to rayling aduerfaries ; till our Gofpe! is defamed, as if it were not the Ç ofpelof peace : our God blafphemed, as if bee were Author k ofConfufon,not ofpeace. 2. About temporalls, things of this life, fo long, fo ea- gerly,till we haue ruined families of Antientefl honour ; railed Lawyers from the dunghill,that they now inherit the feate of glorie , and fit with the 'Princes of the peo- ple. Should difference ofIudgement,efpecially in adiaphoris, worke difunion of affedì:ions ? i one man efleeres a day a- boue another : e.Aaot her counts all daies alike : moderate- ly he fpake, and as a louer of peace, who Paid, ef?bundet nuifguef nfee fea. Nor vrge, nor opp ofe them fo, as to breake the peace of the Church. And for thefe aI dTrxa, the bones of fo dogged Conten- tions ; Is there not a °' wife man among fl vs, who can vm- pire en trifles of them? But Brother goes to Law with Bro- ther ? ' fis well not vnder Infidels ; they would lure more detefl the faith of the Church. Yet why fo ouerprife wee thefe infamous goods, as for them to violate pretious peace? I lay as Nehemiah; Come, I befeech you, come, let vs w:iAiQr.e 297 Bernard. r Gen434.2r. g t COr,6.9. h At3,7.z6. 'Gen.rj x,9. 21fe. k t'COr t4 33 Rom.Iq.f. tCor.6.q,6. t) I