29 H A P.3. An Expofttvn vlondhefeConG VE ROL 6. N,h.z.re Vfe. L'ha,deapod Magician in Cambria, vs ioyne hands and hearts to * build the wanes of Ierufa- lcm, that we be no more a reproach. But rather, I prefurne, you apprehend Paul to meane the bleffing of peace. That Saint `Bernard thus triplcth: There is peace, 1 internali, betwixt Jod and the confci. ence; betwixt reïfified reafon and appetite; betwixt affetis_ on, and afffeêlion in Gods children. i External!, betwixt a man and his neighbour. 3 Eternall in the Heauens, where is the tnofl perfect tranquillitie of order : where wee are fet out of touch, or reach euen of the Deuils wrangling. But peace `Paul tneanes external!, twixt a man and his neighbour. That 1 fometimes, foundes treedome from hoffilitie, re(l: from the tumults of ware. lud. g. vit. a Sometimes, ifnmunitie from perfecutions.a,lfies g. 31. 3 And here, tranquillitie, quiet conuerfation in Chriflian focietie, free from vaine ianglings, vnbrotherly d;fcords and dif enfions. As Mar.9. so. L~ alibi paam. I pray God once fettle vs in it : vnite our hearts to feare him; to loue,and hue at peace one with another. Thorough the great mercy of the Lord of peace, we haue beene long free from the miferies of bloody warres : the bleffing Darid prayed for to 0 lerufalem, wee baue enioyed it feemes ad naufeam vfque: till now the people are ready to cry ad arma, alarme. So long kith peace beene within our manes, and plemeoufne e within our palaces. And as for perfecution, the name is fcarcely heard arnongil vs, fithence Tempera Mariana; that now wee are growne touchie, and tender of reproach, and churle, if the Lord call vs to finer euen rebuke for his name. Yet, as if wee were made of wrangling metall, had our life, as Salaman- ders in the fire ofcontention,fo dote we about que%lions,and firife of words in the Church; fo eagerly purfue we petie({ rights reuengefullyprofecutetriflingc (I wrongs: that we fet Church and Common- wealth all in a combuftion. He knew the hearts and temper of his countrimen, the Cembro-Britàrznur, who thus writes of them.That they are naturally propenfe to brawles, fometimes of the bloudieft.