HA P.3. Epifítle go the Thef tlorlïsrrr. v is 11.t .. bloudiefl. And now, fithence they haue been forced to breake their fwordes into Cthes, theirfpeares or welch - hookesintomatrockes, to gtue vent to the wrangling hu. mour, they ipend their time, and bate in perfecuting Law fuites. And wee, Britans of t'other, race, are Browne all Camber, Camber : quite changed from'the temper of our peaceable fore-fathers.That now,writtes walke for words; and but fub pena, wee tread not downe one graffe of our neighbours. 7empora, tempora. Churclrflories record, how vnder bloody perfecutions, Bif bops and other Chriflians merited the flile of the Eons of peace fo vnanimoufly they ftroue for the faith once iuen to Saints, refiáling againftfin to the Redding of their eft blood. After when vnder Conflantine the Churches had'refl round about,then fell in domeflique Contentions, firfi about matter of faith; as in that peflilent here fie of Arrius.Thefe calmed, about primacie,and prxeminence, and fuch like trafh ; till at lafi purity of faith,and wor (hip was well -nigh loft, in ahnofl the whole Church. And we, who haue feene iffues of fuch contentions, wanton, it fhould feeme, with outward peace, are rnadde upon quellions, wrangle about trifles, as about the heart and life of our faith. Per vefcera lefts noftri obfecro,obteftor, P Let vsfollow the things that concerne peace, and wherewith wee mey edifteone another. That will neuer bee, till wee haue learned : r To walke by q one Rule ; That which the Lord hath appointed, the onely Canon and treafure of Faith. While Thomas with his Saint eA'riftotle and Saint Denys muff umpire it in Religion; Reafon raufl bee iudge of Faith, in vaine we looke for ought but endlefi'e quetlions in the Church. ie; a:fxâiaxrareívo. 10 2 While we are rfo many ci7laflers ; euery one will bee a Mafier in Ifrael, to iudge whats order and decorum, maruell not if the Church bee filled with contention ; Oh that the weehene(f'e of wifedome were in vs ; f Eiserie man' to thinke another better then himfelfe. 3 Saint r Rom.t 4.r9. 9 Phil,3.x6. Iac.3t. tPÚil.a.s, r.,y '_ ;'_ .A'..,.[IÀRs+.. É° É